Chapter 25: What is Real and What is Fake

Start from the beginning

"That's why you check them" Nat states.

"Fine I will from now on" Peter assures.

"You better" Yelena says, sticking a piece of bacon in her mouth.

"Anyways, how's Alpine and Satan?" Peter switches the topic.

"He's doing good" Nat assures.

"Same with Alpine" Bucky agrees.

"That spider still better be in his cage" Tony warns.

"Oh he's been roaming around your room, don't worry" Nat winks.

"It's Christmas, are we seriously gonna argue?" Rhodey questions.

"Seems so" Happy answers.


"So, are you really sure you want to go out as Spider-Man already?" May brings up once her and Peter are alone.

"Honestly I'm not sure but I do really miss it. He's like a piece of me and last was good, you know? I gave some kids presents, waved to some who are trying to see Santa, stopped a gang, helped some homeless people, helped drunk people and even helped a woman get home safely. She's a single parent like you, has a daughter. I wasn't done with all of the bags with gifts so I gave her one to give to her daughter. She kept trying to deny it but in the end, she finally took it. I like helping people" Peter shrugs lamely at the end.

"Well I can't tell you what I think but I'll agree with whatever you choose. Whether you go back tonight or wait, I'll support it" May assures.

"Thanks May. Oh! I totally forgot to stop outside of Delmars!" Peter remembers.

"Mj told you?" May wonders.

"No, I found out on Twitter and asked her about it and then she told me" Peter corrects.

"I'm ready for the snowball fight! How is everyone taking a long time?" Yelena announces her presence.


Today was fun.

It was a good day to get Peters mind off of everything, then again it's Christmas. That's the holidays job.

Everyone is spread out on the two couches and the two comfortable chairs, watching more Christmas movies.

Peter is sat in between May and Tony and asleep. Tony was the first one to notice since Peter was leaning on him and touched May to let her see that her nephew fell asleep. By only doing those two slow movements, Steve noticed and pointed to the two assassin sisters sleeping beside each other. No one takes a photo though, already knowing Friday is sending the photos to their camera rolls.

And it was the first night where Peter didn't get a single nightmare.


"How are you kids holding up and I want honest answers" Pepper asks Mj, Ned and Flash once they enter her office where she was working on Sunday the 26th.

SALT beeped at them in greeting which they easily retuned before answering Peppers question.

"Fine" Mj claims.

"Taking one for the team since the other two can't lie as nearly as good as you?" Pepper calls them out. "Come and sit down on the chairs. I just want to talk."

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