Chapter 53

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No one ever thought they made sense. The two garnered looks wherever they went. Conversations were had about them all the time. They were just so different from each other. Like two sides of a coin. Or two halves of a brain.

He was the left side. Calculated, analytical, fought everything with logic. Some described his demeanor as cold. A harsh glare was enough to deter you from walking up to him. Hard set eyes that screamed judgment.

She was the right side. Bright, creative, and paired every feeling with a song. She was like wildflowers. Carefree and blowing in the wind. A perfect shade of lilac. Her presence warm and inviting to anyone she passed. Always a smile on her face that screamed friendliness.

On paper, they weren't supposed to work.

The two of them may have been two opposite side of brain, or two sides of coin. But, in the end, they still made one.



Harry grabs a can of soda from the fridge. Strawberry Sunkist. And he hits back down across from me.

He came by after calling me. He asked me what I was doing today and I said I was already in the office, because I was. He wanted to have lunch with me and before I could even tell him that I had a lot of work to do, he showed up with two sandwiches in his hand. There was no way I was going to tell him to leave now. And I can't lie and say that there wasn't an uptick in my pulse when he called. I wanted to see him again after hanging out with him and Niall last night.

I was nearly fiending for a more time with him. It was like hanging out with Harry had become my new drug. My new fix. One hit and I was basically addicted. He was a nice distraction from everything going on in my life. The call from my mother still hanging in the back of my mind. Remi still not being here, and he still hasn't called me. And things between me and Cornelia seem okay but I feel like we aren't back to where we used to be. Some unknown tension sitting between us and I hate it.

With Harry, I feel all of those worries and thoughts drift away. His smile enough to take clear away all the things that have been clouding my mind lately. So, I want to spend more time with him. He's become a good friends in these short weeks we've reconnected. Sure, his words he spoke to me on my doorstep in the rain a week ago or so are still there, and I'm still reminded of them. But, they don't hinder the new found friendship we have established.

Everything is good between us. I hope all the gnawing thoughts of something bad making it's way towards me are nothing.

"You've lived in New York for ten years, and have never been to Times Square?"

I shake my head, chewing. I don't know how we got on this topic, but Harry found it odd that I've never been there. "Nope." I set my sandwich down. "I mean I've always wanted to go but I was busy with school and then work picked and Remi would never really want to take me."

"He wouldn't take you?"

I shrug. "He was also busy," I reply.

The truth is he was never that busy. He just didn't want to make the time for us to go, even though I all but begged him. He always told me that we should avoid Times Square. He followed it by saying we weren't that kind of people. The kind to go do something touristy. I don't know where he got that impression, but I never fought him on it, because a lot of times when Remi was set in his ways, he was set in them. It would have been a winless fight.

I know I could have gone by myself or with Cornelia. But, I just thought it would have been a fun thing to do with my boyfriend. See all the Broadway lights and bustling people. Just experience New York for once. I've lived here for years and I've never really got to see a lot of it besides Central Park. I wanted to see more. I wanted to get goosebumps on my arms when walking in Times Square. I wanted to try and hail a taxi cab. I wanted to experience all of it.

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