Chapter 45

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"This is weird," I say in a small chuckle. It was weird to be sitting from across your ex-best friend that slept with your boyfriend in high school. It was even more weird when we ran into each other a few months ago.

It was very much random like how it was with Harry. I was picking up some fabric to work with and when I stepped out of the store, all I saw was Misty in front of me. She looked like a deer in headlights when she noticed I was in front of her. It was like she seen a ghost or something.

It was awkward to say the least. We didn't know what to say to each other. Was there really anything we could say to each other in the moment. I always thought that if I were to ever see her again, I would lash out and cuss her out or something. I thought I would still be so angry at her for what she did. But when I saw her, I felt nothing of the sort. I actually felt almost relieved to see her for some reason.

I don't know why I did because she wasn't the bestest friend ever and by graduation, I was ready to also leave her in the past and was ready to never see her again. But then I saw her, and it was like a weight was lifted off my chest. I think just seeing her was enough for me to realize that I was fully ready to let go of everything that happened between us. Life's too short to spend my time despising the girl.

I mean before I learned the truth of her sleeping with Dempsey, she was my best friend for years. She knew almost everything about me. We had sleepovers together almost every weekend in middle school. We were basically joined at the hip.

One wrong decision ended that, but I was holding that immature decision against her anymore.

I believed Misty when she blurted out that she's changed since then. She told me she went to college and realized that she didn't want to be the person she was in high school anymore. She met a girl, the one she's been dating since then and she was nothing but happy for me when I told her about Remi.

She also mentioned how she has been keeping up with my work and the company I've started. She told me that if for any reason I needed her for something, that she would be there. She said it was the least she could for making my senior year kind of shitty. She said,"I owe it to you Diana. I know it won't patch up everything that happened between us and it might not even make us friends again. But I owe you."

After the brief catch up, we both went our separate ways and I walked back to my car with a smile on my face.

"It is, isn't?" Misty chuckles. And all of that brings us to here. Misty sitting in my office because I called her. I didn't really even know where to start. "Sooo, you called?"

I nod, "I did," I then take a deep breath, ready to explain to her, "I have a show coming up on Friday this week. And one of my original models had to step down because of some family emergency or something. So, then I had to convince Cornelia to fill in-"
"Cornelia's here too?" Misty jumps in with wide eyes.

Shit. If Cornelia is still royally pissed with Harry, I have no doubt in my mind that she's just as mad at Misty still. Let me rephrase, I know she hates Misty's guts to this day. Which means, she going to hate Misty being here to fill in even more. I never told Cornelia that I ran into Misty like I did with Harry.

"She's not going to like me being here," Misty adds.

"Good thing I get to choose who walks in my show and not Cornelia." I offer her a small smile. Even if Misty wasn't my first choice to walk in the show, I'm glad she's here to step up to the plate. "I didn't call you here to appease to Cornelia's feelings. I called you because I needed you and I knew you would have no trouble stepping in."

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