"I'm offended at how low you think of me." Mitchell dramatically sulked. He lowered his mouth to my ears. "Your pussy isn't the only thing I think about."

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I looked around the space and had to check if anyone heard him even though he whispered. "You... why..." I paused and took in a breath. "You need bleach for your mouth."

"I... what...you..." Mitchell mimicked me and laughed. "After blushing, I love getting you flustered."

Mitchell's lips menacingly lifted upwards into a smirk and he stared into my eyes. "Just one word got you so flustered." He trailed a finger up my arm and lowered his eyes to my lips for a second. "What are you going to do when I do more than just talk?"

"Let's cross that bridge when we get there, hmm?" I tapped his cheek. "Both of us know you're exceptional at all talk and no play."

Mitchell raised an amused brow. "Is that a challenge?"

I rolled my eyes and playfully shoved him but he gripped my arm and pulled me close. He innocently wrapped an arm around me and I felt him move his hand down my back and slowly trail it up my top. His actions were so slick that to everyone else, it would've looked like an innocent act of endearment but I knew better when I felt his hand slip under my top.

"Mitchell," I warned with my eyes. "Have you forgotten that your sister is sitting a few seats away?"

"I haven't forgotten anything," he innocently replied and slid his hand further up. The mere contact of his skin on mine made me gulp and picked up my body temperature. It had been a long time since we were intimate and my body missed it more than I realized.

"Are you okay?" Mitchell scorned. "You're burning up. Are you thirsty? Do you want some water?"

I wanted to slap the smug expression off his face but I was also highly amused by his flirting. It felt like forever since we were so carefree and... in love.

I casually rested my hand on Mitchell's thigh and drew patterns over his pants with my thumb. "Careful, Bitchell, carry on with this little game and you'll need to run to the bathroom to rub one down."

"Why would I do that?" He glanced at my mouth and licked his lips before he looked back into my eyes. "Why put in the effort when that pretty mouth can do more than just spit out smart words?"

Mitchell was on a roll and he left me speechless one too many times in the last five minutes. I trailed my hand higher but before I could touch his crotch, he placed his hand over mine and guided it upward.

I was shocked and pleasantly surprised at his boldness. "You are shameless."

"I learn from the best, Baby." Mitchell winked.

I shook my head in amusement. "I never thought I'd see you act like a horny teenager."

Mitchell dramatically sighed. "What can I do when I have a beautiful girl who's kept me starved for way too long?"

I felt bad because every time Mitchell made a move, I either had something to do or was on the verge of passing out. "I..."

Mitchell lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed over my knuckles. "Don't explain yourself, I understand." He faintly grinned and stared at me lovingly. "But I'm counting my dues and plan on collecting very soon."

"I'm all for that but, you know..." I lowered my gaze to my lap for a second. "There's a bit of a roadblock situation going on down there."

"Is that so?"

I nodded.

Mitchell removed his hand from my back and placed it on my lap. He dug his fingers around my thigh and asserted pressure on my inner thigh. I felt the heat of his fingers through the fabric of my pants and gulped. Mitchell brought his mouth to my ear and lightly tugged on the lobe. "It's a good thing blood doesn't make me squeamish."

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