"Will do but no one usually comes down to the lab so I think you'll be safe. Boss will sleep in till at least nine, if not longer" Fri assures.


"Great" Peter nods.


Download Complete.

Peter jumps out of his seat, throwing it backwards and jumping with joy.

He looks at Tony's phone and sees his surprise coming to life.


It's finally Christmas Eve! December 24th on this chilly, snowy Friday! Scott and Clint are leaving to be with their families sometime at night and Peter is determined to make this day one of the best. Even Mj, Ned and Flash had arrived in the morning to help prepare the day.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Sam screams as he wakes up to see a poster of Bucky hanging on the ceiling.

He then looked on the wall opposite from his bed to see a tapestry saying "Who The Fuck is Falcon?! All I Know is Hawkeye!" which was obviously from Clint.

"CLINTTTTTT!!!!!" Sam yells.

After that, he went on to chase Bucky around and then Peter once he found out Peter is the one who put it on the ceiling. Then he found Clint and started to chase him too. It was very eventful to say the least and he got even more mad when Friday had sent the footage of Sam waking up to seeing the poster and tapestry.


Peter is beaming with joy. He can't wait to give everyone their presents, especially Tony. Friday as promised, hasn't said a word about what is now hooked up to Tony's phone. Tony won't even realize until Peter tells him.

"Here my dad wanted me to give you guys your sandwich orders as a thank you gift from what you got him and Murph" Mj hands them each their own sandwich orders.

"No way! I feel like I haven't ate one in years!" Peter gasps, already unwrapping his. "Tell him I said thank you!"

"Same! I can't believe he remembers my order!" Ned says as he already takes a bite out of it.

"Me too. I only been there a few times, no way he remembered mine and yeah, tell him thanks" Flash thanks.

"Hey Stark! When are we doing presents?" Clint wonders, already impatient.

"It's ten in the morning Clint. We usually do them later" Tony rolls his eyes.

"Worse than the kids over there" Nat smirks.

"What?! No! Peter told me to ask that!" Clint accuses.

"What? No I didn't! I'm trying to enjoy my sandwich!" Peter gasps.

"Don't lie Barton. Kid didn't tell you to do shit" Yelena calls him out.

"Language" Steve points out.

"Language" Yelena mocks, rolling her eyes. "Don't act like you haven't cursed."

"That dude is full of curse words" Sam rats out.

"Never a day without fighting" Pepper sighs.

"If only they believed in Santa. Then you could just threaten that they'll be on the naughty list" May chuckles.

"What?! Santa's real!" Clint shouts.

"Very" Yelena agrees as she shakes her head no.

"Ok no fighting about whether or not he's real" Rhodey cuts in.

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