017: stuck with you

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"So, this is the surprise?" Ray asked, cutting them off. "You guys blindfolded me and try to kill me?"

"No." Charlotte sighed.
"We're not like that." Thea reassured.
"Sorry, our bad." Henry apologized.

"All right, Ray!" Henry announced as the three of them backed away from him.

"Now, whip off that blindfold!" Charlotte beamed and the man followed her order.


     Ray blankly looked around the room, unamused to see camping equipment, a poster of 6 Poles Over Swellview, a bicycle and monster trucks toys. "I don't get it."

      Thea lowered her hands, "I told you we should've went to Vegas."

  "You are going to have the ultimate kid's weekend of fun." Charlotte grinned.

  "What - what are you guys talking about?"

   "Since you missed out on being a real kid. . ." Henry started.

"This weekend we're going to do all the fun kid stuff you missed out on." Charlotte explained.

  "What, really?"

  Thea nodded, "We got some camping equipment." She pointed out.
"Tickets to 6 Poles over Swellview." Henry added.
"A cool new bike." Charlotte finished.

    Ray let out a gasp and walked over to the red bicycle, "Hold up. I don't know how to ride a bike."

  The three of them shared a glance,
"Gooch told us." Henry informed.
"So, we're going to teach you." Charlotte said.

  Ray smiled, "Honest?"

Thea nodded, "Swearise."

  "Hey, you even got us matching T shirts!" Ray pointed at the rack of orange and yellow T-shirts.

   Henry picked up one of the T-shirt, "For Ray's weekend of Fum." He smirked.

  "Fum?" Ray questioned.

  "The T-shirt store and somebody else messed up. . ." Charlotte explained and Henry and Charlotte both looked over at Thea.

  "Look, my hand writing isn't the best." Thea defended.

    "But why are there 7 T-shirts?" Ray asked and they all shared a look.

"Tell Ray, who's coming."
"Yeah, do it."
Henry and Thea nudged Charlotte.

    "Our friend Jasper, Henry's little sister, Piper. Also Thea's brothers, Ethan and Zach."  Charlotte informed. 

  Ray frowned, "Aw, no. Why?" He exclaimed.

"Piper sprained her ankle." Henry informed.
"She's on crutches. So, when we get to 6 Poles, we get to go to the front of the line for all the rides."

   Ray nodded, "And why are we bringing your bucket loving friend with the sweaty hands?"

  "Because that's Jasper's camping stuff." Charlotte pointed.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, henry hartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن