"Who said anything about dying?! I just need the 'all-powerful demon' —or so he claims to be— to take care of a breaking and entering real quick for me."

"Okay, first off: how dare you mock me?! I am an all-powerful demon! Secondly: this isn't my problem! This isn't my store to take care of! You deal with it!"

"It might not be your store, but it is the store that is paying me to get you food and clothes so if ya want to continue having food and shelter, you will handle this problem for me!"

As they were too busy arguing at the moment, neither of them realized the figure walking closer and closer towards the door. It wasn't until the front door was slowly creaking open that the human and demon jumped back and screamed bloody murder like they were about to die in that very moment.

"...Y/n, what the heck are you doing?"

Both the human and demon stopped their screaming as the stranger said these words, staring at the new person for a moment in silence to recollect themselves. Bill took a deep inhale, already beginning to analyze the new person and observe their physical traits. It was quick for him to note that this stranger was the complete opposite of himself when it came to looks. The stranger was taller than Bill, larger in size, and more muscular compared to Bill's noodle-like figure. Their skin color were complete opposites from one another, Bill being extremely pale while the stranger was extremely dark. They also had a bit of an after shave on their face as well as this scar that went across their lip and reached up across their face, ending right below their left eye. Their hair was in coils and the coils were long enough to pull into a ponytail and keep out of their face. Examining their outfit, Bill noted how loose the clothing was that they wore: a simple grey t-shirt and a pair of baggy jeans with brown boots. Bill wondered who they were and how they knew Y/n. Hopefully they were on good terms seeing as the stranger looked as though they could easily crush Bill if they really wanted to.

"Brik?! My gosh- you scared the crap out of me! What are you doing here? I don't remember seeing your name on the schedule for today." Y/n was quick to recompose themselves, straightening their posture and smiling at the stranger softly.

"I wasn't. I had to come in to take a shift for Ollie. Adriana texted me last night saying that Ollie had gotten sick and no one else was available to take the shift so I offered to take it up. Adriana would have taken the shift, but she wanted to stay home to help Ollie recover, which I understand."

"Oh geez- really? Dang... I hope Ollie feels better soon. But hey, I'm glad I get to work a shift with you now."

Brik nodded, his eyes shifting towards Bill and looking him up and down. "...So. Who's Goldilocks over here?"

Y/n smiled, placing a hand on Bill's shoulder who in turn growled lowly at the physical contact being made. "This is my childhood friend from my hometown. Brik, meet Bill Cipher. Bill, this is Brik Walls. He's kind of like the father-figure in our workplace who keeps everyone in line and makes sure chaos doesn't occur within the store."

Bill tilted his head, looking up at Brik with a skeptical look. "Uh- Hi?"

"...Okay, next question. Why is Goldilocks here?" Brik crossed his arms, raising a brow in question.

"That's not my name-" Bill hissed, receiving a pinch to his shoulder from Y/n which caused him to tense up.

"Because Bill has been bugging me about getting to show him where I work for the longest time now and I figured since the boss was out of town on vacation or something, I could let Bill stick around for the day and just hang out. ...You wouldn't tell the boss-man about this... would you? Bill is pretty harmless, in all honesty. I swear he won't be a distraction and will be on his best behavior!"

Mercy (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now