
He didn't know what that name would bring up. Miles goes stiff and jumps up from where he was sitting in the corner of the room. I barely register any of it though. My chest constricts and it becomes hard to breathe. Tears roll down my face as I struggle to get a breath of air. Unwanted memories bring themselves to the front of my mind. 

"Kitten... You know you can't hide from me. Come out, come out, wherever you are." He says in a sing-song voice. A small whimper escapes me. I don't want him to hurt me again. I should've known this would happen after they sent Miles to the store and threatened to beat me if he didn't go alone. They were going to beat me either way. Suddenly, the door to the closet I'm in opens and his grinning face appears. 

"There's my little kitten." He smirks, dragging me out by my hair. I whimper and struggle to get out of his hold but he throws me into the counter.

Pain spreads throughout my back. He picks me up and throws a punch into my abdomen. The other one joins in and they beat me until I can no longer move. Then they start to remove my clothes. I sob, knowing that they are going to violate me as they usually do. It doesn't get easier over time, knowing that people can over-power you so easily. They take turns until Miles gets home. When they hear the key jiggling in the lock they put their clothes back on and head upstairs.

"Mila!" I'm snapped out of the memory by Miles. He's kneeling in front of me, holding my face in his hands. 

"Princess, it's ok. Match my breathing. Come on, deep breath. Good job... Again. Again. There we go." He says with a smile when I calm down some and my shaking slows down. I look around and see all of our brothers looking at us with concern. 

"Hey, hey look at me," Miles says and I do. 

"We are here, we are safe, and they cannot hurt us anymore. They are gone." I nod at his words. 

"What happened?" Milo asks. 

"That word you called her," Miles says. 

"What was it and what was wrong with it?" Blade asks this time. 

"He called her kitten." I flinch at the word and Miles sends me a soft smile. 

"They used to call her that. Soon after they would call her that she would be beaten and raped." He explains. Milo looks at me guiltily. 

"I'm so so sorry, angel. Is that name ok?" Milo speaks to me. 

"Angel is fine. Just don't call me kitten, sweetie, cupcake, or doll." I sign. Milo nods. 

"Wait, you know sign language?" Miles asks. 

"I learned it in pre-school. I have a best friend who is mute. I haven't seen her in two years... She will be coming over tonight. I already asked Alessandro." I get a little nervous at this. I'm not really a fan of meeting people. 

"Is she nice enough to speak to? Also is she selectively mute, or does she have a medical issue?" I sign. 

"She's super nice yet badass. She reminds me of you actually, except she fights back against anything. She hasn't been made to not stand up for herself. Her older brothers taught her to fight. Now she fights them. She is selectively mute because of things that happened when she was growing up. It didn't stop until she learned to fight four years ago. It's not my spot to tell you about it though. Also, she is comfortable enough to speak around our brothers, but she will probably be mute around you guys at first."

I nod. I understand wanting to be mute around new people. 

"I'll probably not speak out loud for a while either." I sign in response. He nods in understanding. 

"Hey, why are you speaking in sign language? It's just us around. Quit being a baby about everything. We get it, you've been through stuff, but that doesn't give you the right to start being a little brat. You don't get to have secret conversations like this. GROW UP!" Blade scoffs and walks out of our room. A lone tear falls down my face. I thought after the apology Blade would change. Apparently not.

"He is in the wrong for speaking like that!" Milo shouts and I flinch. His eyes soften and he shoots me an apology.  

"Do you boys feel the same? That she is a baby for not using vocal words right now?" Miles asks in an emotionless tone. They shake their heads. 

"I would like to know why she has now gone silent though," Alessandro says. 

"She just had a flashback because a word triggered her. When that happens, even if we are by ourselves away from people, she goes mute. It's a trauma response she has."

They boys nod and look at me sympathetically. 

"When will she go back to normal?" Alessio asks. 

"Give it an hour or two. She just needs to calm down." Miles replies. Luciano hasn't said a word since he came in. He just leans against the wall and watches with curious eyes. Almost like he knows we are hiding something from them.

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