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mo·tion sick·ness
/ˈmōSHən ˌsiknis/
nausea caused by motion, especially by traveling in a vehicle.

Steve was there when Jack woke up two days later. He was sitting in the hospital chair, his head in his hands, a sob ripping out of his throat.

    "Harrington?" Jack's raspy voice had called, and the man's head raised.

    He was there for a few more days, and Steve was always right by his side. He was there when the doctor explained what had happened. A collapsed lung. The fire had caused his blebs to break open, which sent air to the space around his already pulsing lungs.

He was there for Jack as Robin brought him poorly-made cupcakes, explaining what happened to Max. Steve held him as Jack's snot blew into the man's shirt. Steve was there playing rock-scissor-paper with Keith while they waited for a nurse. Steve watched Jack comfort Lucas as the boy cried and cried, and the same for Dustin as he limped through the door, eyes red and his mind running on Eddie.

When his band drove hours to see him after Steve wrote them a letter, Jonah gave Steve a shoulder punch, but Jack smiled once he noticed Jonah and Nora's interlocked hands. Atlas sang Elton John songs to Jack, and Steve laughed when Jack's scratchy voice attempted to take over the bridge.

Steve was there as soon as the sky began to rumble and turn red and explode. He held Jack's hand as their world changed before their eyes, scared.

Jack looked at Steve and then out the window and somehow, he felt tranquility. Because Steve was there, and he would always be there.

It didn't matter if they despised every inch of each other for years, because that hate was covering their love. They met through tragedy and stayed together through tragedy, and even after tragedy tore them apart, they found the other again. And Jack would go through it again and again if it meant he got to be with Steve.

He always said music had been his passion from a young age, and it was true. But his passion would forever be Steve Harrington, whether it was through worship or detest.

Steve was there, he always had, and Jack was blind to not fall in love. What was love without Steve Harrington? Jack didn't know, nor did he want to find out. His love for Steve made him so sick sometimes, like his head was rotating because the man drove him to insanity. Steve gave him motion sickness, and what a lovely feeling that could somehow be.

and we've reached the end, thank
you for being here.

𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now