Chapter 21: Chaotic Elements

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"I'll kick you out too Dum-E if you don't stop" Tony threatens.

"Beep! Beep boop!" Dum-E protests.

"I'll accept your apology if you leave me be" Tony claims.

Dum-E doesn't say anything, probably doing what Tony asked him too. Peter wants to do the same to not add more stress but Rhodey said this may help him unlock the lab.

"Oh! I've been on Twitter a lot recently! I've been checking out the Spider-Man stuff and I can't lie, I miss going out as him. I mean I'm physically recovered besides the food part so I was thinking of a surprise for the people in the city! Now, I'm not telling you the surprise so you'll just have to wait and find out. I do hope you don't get mad at me but I know you won't for it. It's nothing bad, I promise" Peter promises as he takes another deep breath.

He looks at the door but no surprise there, it doesn't open. He starts to fidget with his shirt before running his hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry for whatever you're upset about. No one will tell me but at the same time, I haven't really asked. I think I can connect the dots and I'm almost to it but if you don't want me to know, I can stop my brain from thinking about it. When I'm upset, I don't like being alone. It's like my thoughts takes over and it's never ending especially because it's mainly not good thoughts. I'll stop talking now if you want me too but I'll be right outside the door" Peter claims before going silent.

Peter moves to lean against the wall by the door and sits down there instead. He wonders what Tony is doing. If he's tinkering or just in his thoughts. It's a good thing Pepper got rid of all the alcohol just incase and Peters glad he can't smell any.

'Let's see's been a year or so since Germany. Nonononono brain stop. If he doesn't want to me to know then I can't let myself know. Wait it's been like a year since Germany and that happened because the accords but mainly because...oh god. Is today his parents death anniversary?!'

Peter feels a chill run up his spine.

He eyes the door.

No one should be alone on a death anniversary, he should know.

"Hey...ummm...I'm sorry about today Tony but no one should be alone when dealing with this. Trust me, I should know. I'm sure you know this but I'll say it anyways. It doesn't ever get any easier but it doesn't get truly harder either. You'll always remember them but they'd want you to keep going about your day and not be sad. I can't really claim that since whenever my uncles day comes around, I get sad but I try to move forward. I'm not forgetting him or anything like that but he'd rather see me happy than upset and I'm sure your parents will feel the same. They've probably made mistakes and they've probably did bad things but they'd want you to remember the good stuff. I can't say much since mine are gone and then with Uncle Ben...and now I have May. You just have to look in your corner and see who you have. You have Pepper, Happy, Rhodey and...and me... if you want me to be there for you that is but just because they're...not here, doesn't mean that there isn't people here for you. I'm here for you and I know everyone else is too" Peter weakly smiles at the door.

He sits there in silence, not knowing what else to say but be there for Tony by being at the other side of the door. He can hear rustling around in the lab but nothing else.

That is, until the door opens.

Peter quickly stands up and looks into the doorway to see Tony wearing shaded sunglasses, a dirty AC/DC shirt and sweatpants. He's looking down at the floor instead of meeting Peters eyes so Peter decides to act first.

He slowly approaches Tony making the man look up when Peter is close to him and without warning, Peter wraps him into a hug. Tony doesn't hug back immediately but slowly puts his arms around Peter.

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