Chapter 31

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While briefing Michael- an employee, who will assist us here in the airport, a weird premonition came into existence. I absent-mindedly snatched a gaze to Angel's desk. Her hands were gripping her seat and her head was moving like jelly.

Holy sh!t!

She's fainting.

Hurriedly, I went to her and caught her flailing body. I looked at her and I can see wandering eyes that were trailing off. I carried her and excused us from all the curious people.

She was of moderate weight. Not light nor heavy. Angel, then, gripped my sleeve as she rested her head onto my chest. The fresh scent of what smelled like cologne was crowding up my senses. Sweet warmth wrapped around my arms as I carried her off the building and into my car.

I should bring her home. Coincidentally, as I thought of what to do, a concerned employee humbly brought Angel's stuff. Suddenly, I heard a specific chime of keys coming from her bag.

Yes, perhaps I could hi-jack her home?

With several attempts of forging different keys into the lock, I finally succeeded with the use of a very unique red colored key.

Fvck! That's it? This key?

should've had figured it out! I left my shoes near the entrance door and removed Angel's too.

Angel's place is very neat and kempt. Her apartment has some minimalist accent with the opposing colors- black and white. Her sofa is a black L-shaped one; the dining area on my right has some white comfy chairs with tinted glass table. She has a complete set of kitchenware along with the coffee maker, baking oven, microwave and some digital refrigerator.

I headed off to bring her inside her room.

Fvck me! Her room is quite spacious and the design is definitely great. Black and white battling in the air. Even her sheets. Her bed was a great deal with some leather head board.

Wait! Was this really hers? This one looked like a bachelor's pad!

I laid her down into her bed, tugged her inside the warm foam-filled duvet, and removed her eyeglasses. Minty scent filled the room. Scent not for a lady, but not strong enough for a man. Maybe something in between, something neutral.

I took off my tie and put it atop of a table. Approaching the kitchen and dining area, I confirmed that this is actually and officially Angel's place. The picture frames hanging on the wall belongs to her. She has her photos from early childhood up to the present.

And, of course, those Star Trek franchise on display. Let us not forget those.

Wow! I laughed quietly.

There's not really a big change on her facial features, except from her retainers and eyeglasses. Destined to be nerd. Although, I never thought she could have some bachelor pad's like apartment or more like a geek bachelor's pad instead. I thought she has some of those girly stuff with pink accents.

Going back to her room, I have with me some damped cloth. I placed it over her forehead and with some thermometer-- I found somewhere in her bathroom, I checked her temperature.

Giving a straight gaze at her, it felt as if the time walked slowly. The silence in the room filled my consciousness with lots of unanswerable questions. I never fell in love, but I also never felt this way.

The wonderful way of how her humble face looked, made me more confused. I'm not one of those guys you usually see in teen fictions. I'm brash, bold and frank. My tongue is not familiar to saccharine words. I'm not usually genuine with the compliments I gave, except from Angel.

Suddenly, a man as bastard as I am care for her. I never thought that my foolish and sometimes, unreasonable bashing to this girl will made her even stronger. I really hate the fact that she might fall for me, because I cannot guarantee that her emotions will be safe in my hands.

But I've never been treated this way.

I haven't pre-conceived that my negative behaviour will cause something positive to others. I guessed Angel might have had a changed me a bit.

I placed a hand over her left cheek and gave it soft strokes to ease her discomfort. My eyes travelled on her lips. Damn those sweet lips! I remembered how I kissed her roughly back then and now I realized she didn't deserve that kind of kiss.

I should've given her a better one.

My head was quickly leaning over to hers with my tongue running between my lips and getting ready for hers, eyes closed. I clenched my fist grabbing some parts of the sheet. I was close enough to feel her breathing. But as I opened my eyes and looked at her again...

Sh!t! Seth! What the hell are you fvcking thinking!?

Look at her. She looked so innocent and untouched, then you're going to take advantage of her misfortune and illness. If you wanna kiss her do it with her permission and with her having the same courage to reciprocate.

Damn! Why was I even going to kiss her? I mentally punched myself, for acting aggressively and unwittingly.

As I stood up to have some great deal of space away from the virginal lady, my back accidentally bumped onto her side table. A notebook fell and I saw my name on it. Was that really my name?

Seigrid Theodore- -

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