Dami then went and must have wanted trouble as he immediately kissed Summer, and not even just a peck but a full on snog. He then went and kneeled in front of Inidyah. "I deserved that pie but now I want to put a ring on you."

"I want that too but that kiss was a bit too much." She said before throwing the ring in the pool. 

"Anyways." He said before picking his pie up and standing in front of Tasha. "I would pie you but you get away with way too much anyway." He then swerved away from her and planted the pie in my face, smudging it around until I had cream nearly in my eye. "I pied you because I think you're reading way too much into my comments and yeah you won't accept my apology."

"Oh and this is meant to show me you want forgiveness, you really have a way with words Dami."

Will was up next and kissed Danica, thankfully just a peck before kneeling down in front of me. "I want to marry you because I think everyone in here agrees that you are wifey material and you're probably the perfect girl for me both in here and on the outside."

"Thank you." I said, placing a kiss on his cheek. 

He then picked up his pie and pushed it into Coco's face. "I think you deserve a good pie after the comments you've made, yeah no-one should be shamed over something like that."

Luca was last up and chose Ekin for a little peck before marrying Gemma. "Listen you're all lovely girls but yeah." He said picking up his pie before slamming it into Tasha's face. "I could give you a list as long as Adam but we'll let it go today, it is just a game."

"It's just a game." Dami shouted over. "Just a game."

"There was no need for that comment was there though." I said and I wasn't really impressed by some of the girls smirking at the comment he made. "Come on this is going too far now."

"It's a game." Luca repeated. 

"So don't get personal then."

I just hate that every time we do one of these challenges, some one takes it too far and brings up irrelevant comments which have potentially already been said. He could see she was upset, like let it go or don't say comments like that. 


That night as we were getting changed, I was doing my make up with Danica when Summer and Gemma came in with a little bombshell. "So this afternoon, when you was speaking to Billy, Ekin basically said that Davide had told her that Billy had said 'you two have been intimate'." 

"I just feel really pissed off now because not only has he done that in the challenge but then he's obviously told the boys."

"It's a dick move." I told her. "It's almost like he's boasting about it when in reality that's between the two of you."

That night went by really slowly and I actually felt like I just spent the whole evening with Will and the girls, finally having some time drama free as Danica and Billy settled their differences. It was evenings like this that I enjoyed the most because we could just have a laugh with each other and find out things about each other that you would usually just naturally find out on the outside, like favourite ice cream, favourite pizza topping...

But as we were in the dressing room getting ready for bed Inidyah spilled the tea. 

"So you're kind of boyfriend and girlfriend but not?" I questioned as she showed me the promise.

"He just said that he doesn't like the word exclusive, so I guess this is like the first step towards that. I came in here to find love and yeah I think this is it."

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