Late Night Confessions

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****Delilah's POV****

The next morning when I woke up I could already feel his eyes on me as everyone else participated in small talk. I gave him a small smile so he responded by lifting up his side of the cover which I immediately crawled into. 

"I missed you." I whispered into his neck as we shared a cuddle. "I miss having my little personal body heater next to me."

"Did Jay not give you a cuddle?"

"No, not even any pillow talk." I pouted, trying to get a rise out of him, which I got.

"Very funny."

"I enjoyed the hand holding though, even like sharing the bed we never held hands, I've never noticed how smooth your hands are."

"Nah they were too busy ins-" Even though the room was practically empty and he was whispering I was too paranoid about him saying something like that. 

"You dare finish that sentence." I clamped my hand over his mouth. 

"I'm joking."

He quickly made a run for it as all the boys were moving outside and the girls all came back to gather round the bed that Danica and I were now in. 

"How was everyone's nights?" Indiyah asked. "All the new beds."

"Good, is Dami a spooner?" Ekin asked. 

"Yeah, literally all night. I'm beginning to understand now why Tasha's beauty salon is always open."

"It was nice sharing a bed with Luca again." Gemma added. "It felt like we were cuddling all night, I turned around at one point and he was straight back on me like 'you're not going anywhere'."

"Go on then Ekin," I asked. "How was yours?"

"Mine was very, interesting. He put his ear plugs in and then he passed out so I just passed out."

"My sleep was also fine." Antigoni added. "Davide hogged a bit of the blanket but we can live with that. We get along and I think there are good vibes. What about you Tasha?"

"Yeah no I had a good sleep." Even though she said that you could just see she was down, her voice was very quiet and she kept her head down. 

"What's wrong?"

"When Andrew was doing his speech, some of the boys were just shaking their heads and being a bit negative. Like I got chosen to go on the date with Charlie and the same with Jay, so I'm like I had good dates"

"You don't need to prove anything to anyone in here." Ekin said. "Don't let it get you down."

"What about you Delilah? How was it being apart from Jacques?" Antigoni asked. 

"I literally fell asleep half off my own bed because we were holding hands. I literally had more contact with him than I had with Jay, I didn't even speak to him in the bed really. It's just at that point where I was like 'what have I done?'"

"I mean you haven't done anything really. Think about it, Jay picked you and you've done nothing wrong."

"Yeah we shall see."

All the other girls moved off and I was just left in the bed with Indiyah as they left us alone.

"So how are you feeling?" She asked. "Like what's your thoughts this morning."

"It sounds so petty and in reality all that's happened is I'm not sharing a bed with Jacques but I genuinely really miss that. I know I had one conversation with Jay last night but it didn't leave me feeling like 'I can't wait to speak to him today' or like 'I want to wear a nice bikini when I'm around him' kind of thing."

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