50k Special 🥳🥳

Start from the beginning

The route he takes us on looks and feels familiar, like my body remembers the way we're going. This makes me even more curious about where we're going.

Not too long after we left the house, Minho parks the car on the side of the road, next to a park. Now I know exactly where we are.

Before I could even start to get up, Minho got out of the car and sped around to my side to open my door for me. He offers me a hand, which is warm in my palm when I take it.

The light of the street lamps light up Minho's face enough for me to see the light blush he has dusted on his cheeks. He only ever really gets that when he's really embarrassed or when he thinks I know he's trying too hard to impress me. Either way, it's a rare sight, but it's still cute to me whenever he's comfortable enough to show a blush.

Hand in hand, we walk through the park on the little paved walkway they have. We don't talk as we don't have to, we both already know what the other is thinking. That and the atmosphere is calm enough that we don't have to worry about awkwardness.

Eventually we walk off the path, through the grass to the site of our many first dates.

The oak tree still stands tall, with its leaves a beautiful green color for the season. The trunk has a few new initials etched into the bark. I wonder how many young couples passed by here and shared similar moments like we did.

The grass by the base of the tree is a little overgrown, but the part facing the river in front is covered with a big blanket that looks familiar.

I take in the scene in front of me. A blanket layed out on the grass, a few pillows placed against the tree base, a cooler with what looks like some teas, a plate filled with sandwiches covered with plastic wrap, and a box of maybe some kind of dessert.

Minho slides his hands down to wrap me in a back hug. "Are you surprised?"

"Yeah, I'm surprised. I didn't know you were doing all this for us."

"I didn't do it for us, I did it for you. I knew you were having a hard time with the wedding planning, so I thought you might want to take some time for just us. I'm glad I did do this though, I didn't think you were that stressed about the whole thing." He turns me around and reaches a hand to the side of my face.

"It's just a lot. The planning plus our team's missions is a lot to take in. But thank you for doing all this. I was wondering what you were doing for all this time I've been up."

Minho smiles and pushes a kiss on my temple. We both move to take a place on the blanket. Minho unwraps the sandwiches and unscrews the bottle of tea for me before I even reach for anything.

This moment is so sweet, I didn't think he would do something like this for me.

As we eat the sandwiches and enjoy the tea, we talk about random topics. Minho seems to avoid any talk about the wedding to get my mind off it, which it does. When we finish the sandwiches, he opens the other box to reveal a perfect looking cheesecake with a strawberry swirl.

Before we were engaged, for a date Minho took me to a bakery in town. Of course we were covered enough to go out in public, but I was still kind of paranoid about a police officer spotting us. So, Minho decided to just get the most popular item from the bakery and leave, it was this cheesecake. Ever since I tasted it I couldn't get enough. Now I can hold myself back, but I still go crazy for it whenever we have one in the house.

By my third piece, I finally caught Minho staring at me. I popped by fork out of my mouth and nodded in his direction.


"Nothing. I'm just admiring the view." He replies. I roll my eyes and keep enjoying the cheesecake after the cheesy comment.

Minho laughs a little and moves to sit more comfortably.

"You know, I've been thinking about something more these past days. It's crazy to think that in another reality, we didn't meet and you would be dating and maybe marrying someone else." He thinks out loud.

I look up to him to see him still looking at me. I place the plate down and lick off the strawberry from the fork.

"Yeah, I guess that is kind of funny to think about. I wonder what they'd be like." I wonder.

Minho shuffles towards me and take my fork away.

"Hey, don't go day dreaming about this other fantasy guy you could marry. I bet he wouldn't set up a surprise night picnic with your most favorite cheesecake for you. Only I would do that because I love you more." He says sternly.

I take the fork back and point it at him.

"You're getting jealous over someone who doesn't even exist. And someone you brought up in the first place too." He leans back realizing this.

I put the fork on my plate and lean into Minho's side as he leans against the tree.

"I don't care about the other reality guy. He wouldn't have gone through all the trouble you've gone through for me. That's something only you could do."

Minho gets a smug look on his face. Oh no, the confidence is taking over.

"But thinking about it, maybe the other guy would have gotten me my favorite candy from the corner store also." I fake pout.

Minho changes his face from smug to angry.

"I'd like to see him try. I'll get you your candy before he does-"

"No, baby, I'm just teasing." I pull him back down from his little outburst.

Was he really about to go to the corner store for that? He's crazy.

"You're crazy."

He looks off to the river, still with the same angered expression.

"But you're my crazy." He turns to me and his face melts into a more calm state after hearing a cringy line from me.

He pulls me in and our lips meet for a sweet kiss. Both sweet in emotion and taste from the cheesecake. When we part we stare off to the river, watching the moon light reflect off the water's surface.

I can't believe I get to marry such a perfect person.

I thought this was a lot longer than it actually was, phew.

I hope you guys enjoyed this, it pretty much came out as I imagined it, which is kind of rare for me. 

Thank you guys again for all your support and votes and comments, it really means a lot. Ya'lls comments are the shit by the way, I've laughed at so many and it makes me happy when someone shows their reaction to something (especially when it's the reaction I was hoping for).

The second book is in the works, but it's still only a few chapters in. This uploading schedule might have to be every two weeks instead of every week, just so I have time to handle the other things I will be doing, I'm starting college this school year so I'm sure I'll be busy. I'll let you guys know how it'll work when the book comes out.

For now, I hope you enjoyed this oneshot. Thank you guys for everything, and I'll see you in part 2!

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