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(Y/n) pov

I woke up and saw that we were meeting at the cafe at around 2. I got dressed and went downstairs. My mom was still locked away in my parents room while my dad was at the table with his laptop out. I think it's to settle the funeral arrangements but my grandma doesn't have many people who would go. Not to sound mean but according to my mom my grandma didn't really have friends growing up and her siblings died when she was young and they didn't have any kids so it was really just us. My parents however seem to be so focused on a funeral so I won't say anything.

My dad gave me a slight smile as I sat down and ate. I wasn't really paying attention to him and it was quiet until he spoke. "You're grandma left everything to you." I stared at him confused. "I read her will and to put it simple everything she had ever owned is yours." "But what about mom or you?" He chuckled slightly. "Let's just say your grandma was never to fond of me. And your mother did get something but your special. You've always been special in grandmas eyes. Even when your mother was pregnant with you your grandma swore you were going to be the greatest girl ever." I smiled slightly.

"I don't get the stuff though until I'm 18, right?" My dad shook his head. "No she didn't give you that kind of stuff. More of her jewelry and other kinds of belongings." I nodded and finished my breakfast. "I'm going to the cafe later with the group." My dad nodded. "Be home before sunset and stick with them. I don't want you to end up like the other kids." "Yes dad." I got up and went to my room.

I still had about an hour to spare so I just scrolled on my phone. It wasn't until it was time when I got up and looked out my window. There I saw someone. It was a guy with a hoodie on but I could still see his dark brown hair. He wore some type of goggles and a mask. He stared at my window and it felt like we made eye contact. He walked away a few seconds later. Who the fuck was that?! I sighed and closed my curtain.

I finally made my way to the cafe. It was so lonely on the streets now. Hardly any kids outside and if they were an adult was right behind them. I got to the cafe and saw everyone there already. We always come here so the staff always lets us choose our favorite table. It's somewhat a private area but we can still see the other customers. I sat next to Stephanie and that's when Mason told them what we did the other day.

"You guys really fucking hate your life huh?" Carlos said shaking his head. "Not really we're just nosy and wanted to see (Y/n) grandma house." Mason spoke. "And plus the report said that things were taken but it was ruled an accident. How the fuck are things going to be stolen if it was just her in the house?!" We shushed him.

"Look all we know is we found this book and we're gonna read it." Carlos shook his head no. "That's some devil shit. Fuck that." He grabbed the book. "This shit look like the death note. Open it see if the kids name is there so this time we actually know what we're dealing with instead of fictional monsters." He glared at Alex.

"Isn't death note fictio-." "Shut up!" I sighed opening it. They all looked at me. "Sorry we forgot dumbass can't read." Mason snatched the book but his face quickly turned into a confused one. "It's in gibberish." Alex grabbed it. "It's Latin dipshit."

Alex read a few words. "I can only make out a few words but it seems that this is a spell book." Everyone's eyes widened. "I knew your family was bat shit crazy." Mason said. "Will you shut up for once." I slammed my fist down.

I grabbed the book and gently read through everything. It was all in Latin I could hardly make out anything. "What about what you got, Alex?" She looked at me then at the paper. "It's a list of all creepypasta names." Everyone groaned.

"Are you fucking kidding me with this bullshit again?!" Mason grumbled. "I know okay but it actually is." She put the paper on the table. "From what I can understand it's a list from strongest to weakest." Stephanie grabbed it. "But it says at the end all are still very hard to kill and even if you achieve you'll be injured greatly."

"Why does your grandma even know about these characters?" Carlos looked at me. "I-I'm not sure." I grabbed out her diary. "I guess we'll find out right now." But before I could even read anything the waitress came.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted anything but here's your drinks." I haven't seen her around either. She had long brown hair and green eyes. Her hair was covering her left eye and her name tag had 'Natalie' on it. She gave us our drinks but her gaze on me gave me chills. I put the book back in my bag immediately.

After she left we all looked at each other. "Was it just me or did she have this weird vibe." Carlos said making us all nod. "Let's just get this over with and leave to that new shop Alex told us about." We all nodded and basically chugged our drinks.

We paid and left. "It's around here." Alex said. And sure enough there was a tiny new shop in the middle of abounded houses. What a perfect place for a kids store.

When we walked in the mood was a bit draining. It was just kind of sad. But the whole place was filled with toys. Carlos and Mason of course ran off somewhere while me and the other girls looked at the ones that could look like one of the missing kids.

So far there haven't been any workers. No one greeted us and no one at the register. It was completely empty. Us three just walked down each aisle. There was only 3 since it was pretty tiny.

It wasn't until we walked down one when Stephanie stopped. "I swore I've seen that one before." I followed her stare and saw a snake. I gently went up to it and saw the tag. "Mr. Glutton?"

"Hello ladies." The voice startled me making me jump. I looked at the source of the voice and saw a tall smiling man standing behind Stephanie who also seemed scared. He had red hair and when he opened his eyes they were yellow.

What's with the new people having such bizarre eye color?

"H-hi." Stephanie said backing up a little. "I apologize if I startled you. My names Jason and I own this shop." His voice was oddly sweet.

"O-oh it's nice to meet you. It's a nice store you got." I said. He thanked me and said if we needed help to ask him. He left right after.

When he was out of sight me and Stephanie exhaled as if we had held our breathe the whole time he was there. "He scared the shit out of me." Stephanie spoke in a whisper. I nodded.

"Guys." Mason came out of nowhere. "What now?" I rubbed my temples. "You guys got to see this." Me and Stephanie looked at him. Then he whispered something that gave me chills. "I think we found one more person other than Riley."

A different story (creepypasta x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now