Weird family

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(Y/n) pov

I woke up and started my normal routine for school. Got dressed, ate breakfast, and walked to school with Stephanie. Only this time it was a bit different. At school there were a few police officers on campus. They greeted us as we walked through the gates but that was it.

"Why are they here all of a sudden?" I asked my group. "I think they found out about the drugs Mason had been getting." Carlos spoke earning a hit by mason. "Well it's most likely cause of Riley. We all know her dad was an important officer so loosing that family might've finally made them start to take action." Stephanie said. We all agreed as school officially started.

The day went by normal but I got a text from my mom saying that I had to go straight home after school. Sadly the group had planned to go to an arcade so I was left by myself to walk home. I again had this weird vibe like someone was watching me. I was so lost in thought I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry." I said looking at the person. "No worries but next time pay attention." The person was a guy with green eyes, a few stitches on his face, and a scarf around his neck. He had a soft smile on his face as he walked off.

That's weird I don't think I've ever seen him around. I just shrugged it off and walked home. When I got there my mom was waiting by the door. "There you are. Could you walk any slower?" I sighed dropping my backpack on the floor. "Your grandma wants us to come over to eat dinner. So in other words she wants us to feed her and keep her company." Yeah that's how dinners worked with my grandma. She'd invite us but we had to actually bring the food. All of the food. I nodded and we got in the car and left. My grandmas place wasn't too far from home.

My grandma is my moms mom. My dads parents passed when I was a baby. I never knew much about my grandpa but apparently he died when my grandma was pregnant with my mom. My grandma never remarried. She's always been a bit weird. She's into rituals and black magic. Even those creepypasta legends Alex is into. My mom always tried to keep a bit of a distance between us but my grandma would always try to close it by giving me gifts. But I think that had to stop after she gave me a guide on how to prepare a ritual on my 10th birthday.

Anyway we finally got to my grandmas. It was a tiny home in a big neighborhood. No woods near here. My mom says they had to bring her to this part of town because she had panic attacks where we lived. 

My grandma opened the door with a big smile. "Oh come in, come in!" She smiled hugging us three. My mom prepared the food as my dad cleaned the table. My grandma wanted to talk to me like usual. "My little (Y/n) is growing up. How old are you again?" She grabbed my face. "15." I answered. She smiled widely. "I was your age when I met your grandfather. He was a lovely man. I still miss him." That's one way to bring the mood down.

"But with that age follows danger. Danger that will follow you until you're dead." She stared at me right in the eye. "I've only lived because I'm too old for them. But when I do go they'll make it look like an accident. I know they will." I didn't want to ask knowing she'll go on but I was really curious. "Who will?"

Right before she could answer my mom called saying dinner was ready. Wasn't that just great? Anyway we ate dinner and stayed until it got really dark. When we were saying our goodbyes my grandma pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm sorry (Y/n)." She whispered to me. I just looked at her confused until my mom led me to the car. What could she be sorry for?

"Did grandma say anything weird to you?" My mom asked. "Well she did say if she were to die it wasn't an accident and that she was sorry." My mom sighed. "She said the same thing to me when I was your age. I'm pretty sure her paranoia is just that bad." I nodded and slowly fell asleep.


I opened my eyes to see myself in the woods. Why am I here? I heard rustling and out came a girl. She looked my age and like my mom. Wait no that's my grandma. Doesn't she hate the woods though? I saw her looking around and at a notebook in her hand. "It has to be here somewhere." She mumbled to herself. I followed her as she walked around. What was she trying to find?

Then I heard another rustle and out came two people. One had a mask on and the other a yellow hoodie. My grandma immediately turned to them. "Seems another kid came too close." The masked on said. "Your curiosity just got yourself killed." The guy in the hoodie said. My grandma shuttered. "I-I just had to. I had to know." She held the notebook close to her chest. "Well I guess you get your wish before you die." The guy in the hoodie held up a gun. My grandma then started to mumble something.

I've heard this before but I'm not sure where. All of a sudden the gun dropped and soon the guy. "The hell?!" The masked one said looking at his partner. My grandma smiled. "It worked!" The two guys looked at her. She stopped smiling and ran off.


I woke up in my bed. What the fuck is wrong with my head?! I sighed and did my usual school routine. Thank god todays Friday though. When me and Stephanie were walking I saw the same guy I bumped into yesterday only this time he had a friend. A guy in a white hoodie and a mask covering his mouth. I don't think I've seen him around either.

"Did you hear they found Riley?" Stephanie said interrupting the silence. "Did they?" She nodded. "Well a little bit of her. They haven't found the full body but they did find chunks of hair, an eye, and an arm." "Well that's quick considering the other missing kids take about a week." Stephanie nodded. I was still questing my dream but I decided if I wanted answers I'd go to the person who believes in this stuff.

"Hey Alex!" I spoke as she was reading a book in the library. "Shhh! You idiot." I chuckled at her. "I have a bit of a weird question for you." She motioned for me to keep going. "Does there happen to be a person in your stories that have a mask or a hoodie." She stared at me. "Are you talking about masky and hoodie?" I tilted my head. She sighed flipping though pages in her sketchbook and landing on two pages with the exact people from my dream. "Who exactly are these two?" "They're proxies of slenderman. There's not really much known about their personal lives but they follow orders to the T and I sure as hell would never mess with them." I kept analyzing the drawings.

"Why do you ask about them all of a sudden?" I shook my head. "No reason." She scoffed. "(Y/n) you besides Mason are the last person to ask about these people so just tell me." I sighed. "I had a dream that my grandma interacted with these two people." "What?!" Alex got shushed by every one in the room. "What do you mean you saw your grandma with them?!" She whispered shouted. "I mean exactly that. My grandma has been into black magic and all this kind of shit. She told me people were gonna make her death look like an accident." Alex started flipping pages in her journal. "How old would you say your grandma was?" "Our age. 15." She nodded and slammed the journal on the table. "It could be a coincidence but there have been a bunch of missing reports same time as your grandmother made contact with them. But why?" I shrugged. "I think she was like you. Everyone didn't believe her so when she went to show the truth. Death followed after her."

Just then my phone buzzed. I got up immediately after reading the message. "I have to go." I grabbed my backpack and ran home. This is too soon. Too soon. This can't be happening.

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