The start

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(Y/n) pov
((Y/n) is 15)

Another morning waking up for school. "(Y/n)! Are you awake?" I huffed getting up hearing my mom. "Yes mom." I checked the time to see that I had about 10 minutes to get ready before my friend Stephanie gets here. I've known her pretty much my whole life and we both walk to school together since she's down the street.

After getting ready I got downstairs to see my dad getting his lunch ready. He gave me a slight wave as I heard a knock on the door. "Well seems she's here. Now go and actually learn something instead of talking about nonsense." I nodded. "Yes dad." I grabbed my backpack and opened my door to see Natalie. "Yo." She waved. Stephanie had long blonde hair and light brown eyes. "Hey Natalie, anything new happened since the last time I saw you." I chuckled as we started walking. "Not since yesterday. I mean another kid went missing but that seems normal now, huh?" It's true what she said. Nowadays there have been random killings of families and missing kids only to end up found dead later in the woods, or some just never found at all. "Yup seems like it." The walk to school wasn't that long. Usually a 8 minute walk depending on how slow we are.

When we got there our friend group was in our usually spot near the left side of the school. I could hear them arguing about something. "Are you an idiot? Like you're the type of person to fail sex Ed." "Oh really I'm the person to fail sex Ed? You didn't even know what a condom was until the 8th grade! And you're a guy!" 

Yup the first person that spoke was our good friend Mason. I've known him for three years now. He's always been a bit rude and blunt but over all a nice person. He has black hair and dark brown eyes.

The second person was Alexa. Or well we call her Alex for short. I've known her since elementary school. She's a bit quiet but if you annoy her and get her angry she's the opposite. She has short brown hair and green eyes. And she has this weird obsession with creepy legends and things like that.

"What are you two arguing about this time?" Natalie asked. "Alex is trying to say that slender man or whatever his group is called. Is the reason why there's been so many killings." Another friend Carlos who is kind of a nicer version of Mason said. "It's true I tell you. I've done the research to know their markings." I sighed at Alex. "Can we not do this at 7 in the morning?" "No!" Alex and mason said in unison. Thankfully the bell rang and now I had to deal with the teachers.

School was whatever to me. It was just boring. The only fun thing was my friends and that was if. Basic high school life pretty much. But with what Alex said this morning had me thinking. I mean I don't think the slenderman is real nor the whole creepypasta group but the body's that have been found are very different. Some body's have been found with candy in them, smiles carved in their faces, and some people have been found like they are a doll. It's just very weird to me but Mason and Carlos just say it's a serial killer that keeps changing their ways. But I doubt one person can kill so much. I'm not even too sure how this all started. But I do know when.

It was about two months ago when people started disappearing. Of course people just figured they were runaways since they were kids but after a week one by one their body's were all found. Alex had showed me that this has happened before in other towns. Just one day people went missing and then soon it turned into almost half the town. All of them were either found dead or never to be seen again. There was a survivor but for some reason they ended up dying from a weird sickness. I rubbed my head. Too early to think this much.

~after school~

Again Alex and Mason were arguing about the same thing this morning. "Well since it's such a big thing why don't we go to the woods since apparently that's where they hide, right?" Mason said. I shook my head. "Are you a fucking idiot?' Even if it isn't real what kind of person goes into the woods where bodies have been found?!" Carlos and Stephanie agreed with me. "Well since you're all a bunch of scaredy cats I'll go by myself." Mason said grabbing his back pack and walking away. "Ok bye bitch." Carlos waved.

I sighed. "We can't leave an idiot to go into the woods." Alex nodded. "Even if they aren't real which I know they are. There's still a killer on the loose." We all huffed but then followed after Mason.

"Look who decided to join?" Mason chuckled. "You guys finally decided to grow a pair and come into the woods?" "Very funny asshole." Stephanie rolled her eyes. "Where are we even going?" I asked. "In the middle of the woods. If what Alex says is true then we should at least find something." "Yeah another body I bet." Carlos said.

It was about 10 minutes and we just continued walking. "I think we passed the middle point." I groaned. "Nah it's just cause your fatass can't walk anymore." Carlos laughed. "Yeah race you guys to that tree over there." Mason laughed and started running. So did the others but I just stayed back. It wasn't until when they were farther away from me when I got chills. Was someone watching me? I looked around but didn't see anyone. Weird? "(Y/n)!" I was snapped from my thought by Stephanie yelling out my name.

I jogged over there to see Mason and Carlos arguing. "I got here first." "Damn you're an idiot and blind?!" I just shook my head. "All right we've walked far enough and I'm pretty sure if we're out till sunset we're all getting our ass kicked by our parents." Then a branch snapped next to us. "W-what was that?" Mason said. "Why is somebody scared?" Carlos teased him. "It's probably just an animal." Stephanie spoke. Then we heard a laugh. It sounded very sinister and none of us were staying to figure out where it came from.

We all ran until we got to a park where there was still a lot of people. "That's the last time I do something for your dumbass." I spoke through pants. After finally catching our breathe we all agreed to never talk about it and never go back. "Since we almost died Mason owes us ice cream." Carlos smiled. Mason tilted his head at him. "Bitch have you seen my savings? Cause if you do let me know where it is?" We all just laughed and shrugged it off and we separated ways.

Well me and Stephanie were together but the others were gone. "Do you think we're gonna die?" I jokingly asked her. We both laughed. "Maybe, honestly that laugh freaked my out." I agreed with her. "Sounded like one you hear at the circus." We changed the topic after that and finally we were at her house. "Well text me if you die." I nodded waving at her. "Back at you."

Now by myself I had the same feeling like I was being watched. But no one in sight. And plus the sun was still out. Who stalks someone in the daylight? I walked in to my house both my parents were there watching tv. "Someone's late." My dad said sitting on the couch. "Yeah sorry Mason wanted to stop by a video game store." They nodded and I ate my dinner and walked to my room.

It wasn't until later that night when my phone lit up. It was our group chat.

Mason: did you guys see the news?

Carlos: yeah no wonder she wasn't here today

Stephanie: who are we talking about?

Carlos: don't you remember Riley? She used to talk to us during lunch.

Stephanie: oh yeah what happened to her?

Carlos: her family was found dead and she's missing

Alex: it has to be Jason the toy maker

Mason: can you stop for once? Not everything has to do with those people who are fake.

Alex: they are real! And watch in about a few days there's gonna be a random collection of dolls and stuffed animals that are gonna be found.

(Y/n): what's does Jason the toy maker so anyways?

Mason: of course you'd ask her

Alex explained how he treated kids and the toys he would leave behind. I was thinking about it until a certain stuffed bunny caught my eye. To think of it when did I get that? Who gave it to me? I walked to my mom and asked her. "I'm not sure. Maybe grandma gave it to you." Oh yeah my grandma too was weirdly obsessed with these legends. She gave me toys that we found out had a dark past but she loves me and gives me money so I think that's fair.

I just decided to sleep it off maybe tomorrow will be a bit different.

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