Chapter 18: The difference and lesson in Strength

Start from the beginning

"Man he really did a number on him didn't you?" The guy asked

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"Man he really did a number on him didn't you?" The guy asked

"And who might you be?" Ventus asked.

"Bikou the descendent of the victorious fighting Buddha." Azazael replied.

"So the descendent of Son Goku the monkey king." I said

"That is correct so if you don't mind I be taking him back with me now." Bikou said  grabbing Vali and placed a arm over his shoulder.

"Ventus the next time we met I will beat you." Vali said before the  both of them vanished into a portal. After things had settle down the tree factions had achieved peace for the time being.

Ventus Pov

"Michael I have a favor to ask of you well more of a request." I said.

"Yes what is it?" Michael replied.

"I want to ask you if you can allow Asia and Xenovia to pray again it will mean so much to them." I said surprising  Asia and Xenovia.

 "Will you  continue to pray even though god is gone?" Micheal asked

"Yes." Asia and Xenovia said tried to pray but got hurt in the process. 

"I have to go to headquarters to change the system first." Micheal said before he disappeared in a bright light this was another step for peace.

"That was great my lord you really showed Vali who's the top dog." Nero said as hugging  me.

"Thank you Nero." I said

"I could have taken him." Issei said  walking over.

"As if you could take on Ventus." The girl with the green hair said  dragging the dead zombie body over to us.

"Just what is that?" Asia asked 

"That Asia is a Revenant an assassin who trained non-stop until he became the most known and feared assassin. He was so well known that nobody would ever think of betrayal, for he killed those who dared to betray or control him. For that, he was always alone. But eventually he grew old and weak, and those who once feared him dwindled in numbers. I still can't believe someone decided  to bring him back to life as a skeleton being but who could have that much magic to bring him back I wonder." I said.

"Who cares he's dead end of story." The girl with the green hair said.

"I thank you for your help but I didn't catch your name." I said looking  at her.

"The names Tira and I like to join you." Tira said

"Long as there enemies to cut up in to tiny little pieces." Tira said in a joyful tone

"Well we thank you for the help but we don't need a person who enjoys killing people here." Rias said

"Shut your mouth tomato head." Tira  said in her gloom personality.

"Hey you don't talk to Rias like that apologize to her right now." Issei said before Tira had her weapon at Issei's neck.

"Speak to me again like that and I'll cut out your tongue and feed it to the birds." Gloom Tira said

"Or slice off your  dick and balls and shove it down your throat." Joyful Tira said with a giggle scaring almost everyone except for Artoria, Nero, Mordred and myself.

"I like her." Mordred said while  I nodded in agreement.

"Very well Tira I would welcome your skills and you you have my permission to go after demons and strays do I make myself clear?" I asked.

"Yes sir." Joyful Tira said before she  vanished like a shadow.

"Lord Ventus do you think it is wise to have a girl like that around I mean considering she did help us out and all." Grayfia said being concerned.

"It will be fine besides she can come in handy. Now that we got that  settled we should clean up this mess." I said

"We will take care of that." Sirzechs said who was being  serious.

"Alright girls lets go home." I said while  Rias looked at me with a mean look on her face but  I didn't pay her no mind.

"Oh by the way Koneko I have someone here who want's to see you.

"Who?" Koneko asked

"Meet  me tomorrow after school okay?" I asked  while Koneko was confused a little but nodded her head  before we left.

Rias Pov

"That Ventus I hate him so much he thinks he's so great with that sword of his I bet if he didn't have that sword I bet I could take him." Issei said while we were cleaning up the place

"Yeah get you ass handed to you." Koneko said

"I mean he moped the floor with Vali like he was nothing." Xenovia said

"After I soften him up for him." Issei said

"It doesn't matter what done is done now you all did a good job today and the repairs are done so you all can go home now and I see you all tomorrow." I said.  I thought to myself what if he was part of my peerage I wound be unstoppable but then again Tsubaki would have a say to that. Questions for later right now I need a shower and go to bed.

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