3.4 part 4 (messages)

404 8 13

Libby's POV

who was messaging him at this time in the morning? I log onto to his phone and see it's from an unknown number. 

Unknown number 

Unknown number 

I'm back baby

did you miss me? 


erm who is this?

Unknown number 

don't play dumb 


I'm not? 

I don't know who you are 

Unknown number 

im your favourite person 

the girl of your dreams 


no your not 

Libby is 

Unknown number 


not that bitch again 



I thought I blocked you?

Unknown number 

you did 

I got a new number 


well how did you get mine?

Unknown number 

did you seriously think I would forget your number and forget you 

Kit you rocked my world that night

I could never forget that



Libby's POV

I stop texting her after that. What happened that night, I know I shouldn't care cause he's mine but why didn't he tell me. I drop the on the bed where I was lying and I get up slowly and carefully so I don't wake Kit up and grab a blanket. I walk downstairs and get comfy on the couch. I don't feel comfortable sharing a bed with someone who lies to me. 

Kit's POV

I roll over and wake up to an empty bed. It's still dark out, I find myself lying on something and I grab what ever it is and pull it out from under me. It's my phone I turn it on and see the time it's 5am. Where is libby? The bed is cold so I know she's been gone a while. I log on to my phone and see that it's left on iMessages with this unknown number. My stomach drops when I read the messages. Libby was texting Olivia as me, oh god I feel sick as I read what she read and what she left on read. It was one night. One night I regret miserably. 


omg 2 updates in one day!!!!!! I wonder what happened on that night:)) But Olivia is back for how long? 

I hope you guys enjoyed these 2 chapters and don't forget to vote and comment!!!! XXXXXX 

ps. I haven't proof read yet so bare that in mind while reading thank youuu xxxxx

Enemies to lovers - kit Connorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن