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(TW- sexual assault)

Libby's POV

I arrive at the bar with Yas, her armed linked with mine and we head straight for the drinks, we bump into Joe and Will who have clearly been there a while. Could hardly hold a conversation. Will drags Yas to the dance floor after getting a round of shots for us all, Joe meets this guy and walk off somewhere. Im sat there all alone, where all my thoughts creep in. 'you'll be alone forever' 'no one finds you attractive' 'your such a pig'. I decide to drown these thoughts in tequila. Im about to leave until this guy sits down next to me, and offers to by me another drink, and in my present state I will accept this of any guy, hot or not. Luckily this one was hot. "god your sexy, that dress does wonders for your boobs" he whispers in my ear. Im slightly uncomfortable but still push that feeling down. "Im jack, what's your name?" "im libby, nice to meet you and thank you for the drink but I think im going to go now."

"come on lib, stay for one dance with me". Him calling me Lib sent shivers down my spine. Only Kit calls me that, I start thinking about him again. Im broken out my thoughts with him grabbing my wrist and dragging me to the dance floor. I start dancing trying to avoid his wondering hands that keep trying brush my hips because my favourite song is playing, then I feel his presence. He's here, I turn around and immediately lock eyes with him. Kit.

In that moment jack takes his chances and starts rubbing himself against my bum and he's putting his hands round my waist to grind with him. Kit looks down so I do the same and im quickly in shock with what he's doing. Panic shoots through my head and I lock eyes with Kit again to hope he gets the message. I try to push away from him, and he grabs my boob and says "dont be boring" and starts kissing my neck "no stop" I shout at him. But he doesn't.

Kit's POV

it hits me... what this guy is doing to her. Next thing I know im running through the crowds of people till my hands on this guys shoulder pushing him off her "she said stop" I shout at him. "erm who are you?" he asks me. "not sure how that's relevant. Piss off".

"come on mate dont be boring. she's clearly asking for this. I mean look at what she's wearing." he spits on my face. "I really wish you didnt say that." I say and within seconds after my fist is in his face. He falls to the floor and I start kicking him in the gut. "Kit please stop." I hear libby whisper to me. she's got tears running down her face. I freeze at what im doing. Im broken out my trance by libby "Kit! Stop!" I rush over to her and pick her up in my arms and carry her out the bar, she's sobbing on my shoulder, so I stroke her hair to try and calm her down "shh its okay im here, im here, your okay, your safe with me" I whisper her reassurance as I carry her to my car. I place her in the passenger seat and I drive her back to her apartment. She quietly sobs the whole way home. I try and talk to her but she's spaced out. It breaks my heart to see her like this, if I ever see that guy again I swear ill kill him.

"libyour home." I say to her and I nudge her shoulder lightly but there's no response. I go round to her side and open the door and pick her up bridal style, I get her door key out her bag and unlock her door and carry her to her room, I put her down in her bed and turn around to leave but she grabs my arm and drags me back to be with her. I sit down next to her and she places her head on my lap and I gently stroke her hair. "im so sorry" she keeps repeating to me in a whisper. "why are you apologising this really isn't your fault." I say back

"you got in a fight because of me and now your hands in a mess." My heart breaks at the fact she feels the need to apologise to me. I put her so she's sat on my lap with her arms wrapped around my neck.

"libby that fight was not your fault, I would break every bone in my body to make sure your safe, I would take a bullet for you. that guy was a bellend who never should of touched you, I swear if I ever see that guy again I will kill him." I say to her in a serious tone, she pulls her head away from the crook of my neck and looks me in the eyes, and then she looks down at my lips and I do the same. Is this actually happening? She leans in closer and as do i.

Our lips attach in a gentle way, its like fireworks, like we are a jigsaw piece that fit together, its so perfect. Butterflies swarm my stomach. I grab the back of her neck and bring her closer than I thought possible, I open my mouth and let my tongue gently explore her mouth. Ive needed this, and from the way she's responding to my actions I think she also needed this. I feel her smile against my lips. We pull away and place our foreheads together and just smile. Ive kisses a lot of girls but never have they felt like that, a mix of love with lust. along with desperation and need. full of passion.

*ahhh they finally kissed!!!!!!!!! only took like  15 chapters!

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