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Libby's POV

I feel him move below me to get more comfortable, I shift in my half asleep presence so im lying on top of him and our  are legs intertwined. I could get used to this.

I roll over to see kit lying on his back, hair sprawled over his face and the early morning sunrise creeping through the curtains lighting up his freckles. He's just so handsome. I roll back over so now i'm facing the beside table and I grab my phone to check the time 4:23am. god why am I awake? I realise my throat is really dry and I go to move to get a drink but it's like i'm glued to the bed. Exhaustion mixed with depression is not a good mix. I contemplate just going back to sleep without a drink but I try to swallow and its like swallowing little tiny cactuses, so I force myself to get out of bed slowly to get a drink.

The thought of having to get up in a few hours for work sounds like hell. Just seeing everyone after not going in yesterday sounds like such hard work. and I know just delaying it will make it worse but today I just don't have the social battery and patience to deal with it. That's future me's problem. I stay sitting down in the kitchen for a little longer and then I take myself back up to bed, hoping I didn't wake Kit up in process.

Kit's POV

I wake up with the sun glaring through the curtains, I put my arm out and nothing. I quickly sit up to see that im in Libby's bed all alone. I grab her phone of the table to check the time 4:30am. Where would she of gone at this time? I debate going after her but then I hear footstep coming back up the stairs, and I think to myself if she wanted me she would of woke me up so maybe she just wants some time to think, I know she has a lot on her mind at the moment so instead of having to deal with me at 4am I just close my eyes and pretend to be asleep still. She climbs back into bed with me and lays her head on my chest and curls up next to me. I wrap my arms around her and I hear little happy sighs so I stay right where I am with her in my arms and fall back asleep.

My alarm goes off at 8am and I hear libby groan and hide her head under the pillow which makes me laugh, I turn the alarm off and say "morning love" because I know this will drive her insane.

Libby's POV

I hear his stupid alarm go off way too early for my liking and I hide my head under the pillow. I hear it stop and then "morning love". He's got his morning voice which is all croaky which makes my stomach swarms with butterflies and I feel my cheeks go bright red. The next thing I know the pillow is being pulled off my face and i'm hit with his lips on mine. I cling onto him and push him down so he's now fully lying on top of me. With our lips still attached he flips us over so now im on top. He pulls away and I let out a little groan of disappointment. "as enjoyable as this is, we have to get ready to go to set" he tells me.

I groan and flop off him so im lying next to him "I really don't think I have it in my to go in today" I tell him. "okay but if you don't go in today its gonna be harder to go in tomorrow"

I know he's right but that still doesn't convince me enough, not knowing what to say I just groan even louder. "okay Libby, ill call in sick for you say you ate some dodgy takeaway or something and thats why you weren't in yesterday."

"thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squeal and hug him tight. "okay but just because your not going doesn't mean I can stay behind so you're gonna have to let me go" he laughs and so do I and I let go and let him go get ready.

Kit's POV

I call in sick for her and then take her up some breakfast I made and say goodbye. I hate leaving her when she's feeling vulnerable but food poisoning isn't contagious and it was too late to change her excuse as they might get suspicious. "goodbye libby I'll see you later" I kiss her forehead and leave her to enjoy the breakfast and so she can continue watching tv.

I get in my car and start driving to set and im thinking to myself what I have planned so im kinda relieved she's not going to be in today because it would ruin the surprise idea I have for her, I just have to get through today to set it in motion.


*I wonder what he's planning....:):)

Hope you liked this:)xxxxx

Enemies to lovers - kit ConnorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ