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*reccap from 5.3 last paragraph

Kits POV

This moment is so perfect. I love when she cuddles up next to me, my hand strokes her hair and I look down and notice she's fallen asleep. I kiss the top of her head and rest my head on hers and within seconds I find myself falling asleep to her little snores.


kit's POV

I wake up to her lying on her stomach with her arm draped over my chest. Flashbacks of our kiss last night run through my head and I feel myself blushing and feeling very relieved that she's not awake to see how smitten I am over her. God she looks so peaceful. I hope she was too drunk to remember the bad memories of what happened last night, she didn't deserve what happened to her. That asshole. I could kill him.

I decide I should make her breakfast, I try and climb out of bed without waking her up and pop down stairs to her kitchen, I spy a vase of flowers on her kitchen counter and feel a tang of jealously over someone else getting her flowers not me. I wonder if Bash got them for her. No don't go down that route its not worth it. She likes me, I reassured myself. I open her fridge and its empty and I immediately get worried, when was the last time she ate? I know she struggles with this kinda thing, she's never told me but id be a blind idiot not to notice, but I will never bring it up I know she will tell me when she's comfortable. I check the time and its only 7am and I know she will probably still be asleep for another hour or so and I know the shop down the road is open so I make the decision to pop to the store and get the ingredients to make pancakes.

......(time skip)

I get back from the store and dump the ingredients away and go upstairs to check on Libby, she's still fast asleep but now she's hugging the pillow that I slept on. I smile and chuckle to myself as I go back downstairs and get started on pancakes.

Libby's POV

I wake up to the sun peering through the curtains, and memories swimming through my mind. That kiss. God that kiss was amazing. Then all the bad ones come through, Jack. The bruises. I roll over expecting to see Kit but all I see is my arm resting over the pillow. I sit up panicking. "KIT!" I shout to see if he's here. Nothing I shout again starting to hyperventilate. I hear footsteps running up the stairs, and go into a full blow panic attack. A figure stands in the doorway and in my mind its Jack, i'm too wound up to try and think logically. The blurry figure sits down next to me and places his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into him "jack jack get away" I say between breaths "get away don't touch me".

Kit's POV

I hear Libby shouting my name as i'm mixing the pancake batter and hear her become panicked by the second shout so I run upstairs, I stand in her door way to see her hyperventilating and having a panic attack. I sit down next to her and put my arm around her and pull her into my chest "jack jack get away" she whispers to me. Im crushed she thinks i'm jack but I dont move away. "Shh Lib you're okay its me Kit" I stroke her hair and reassure her. "its kit you're safe. I got you. Im not going anywhere" I keep whispering theses words to her as she calms down and looks at me, I get her to control her breathing and she looks relived to see its me and snuggles back into me. "i'm sorry." she says quietly

"Libs you really don't have to apologise you're banned from saying it." I chuckle at her. "I kinda wanna say it" she jokes back.

"i'm sorry I left you while you were asleep, I just wanted to surprise you with some breakfast." I explain to her. "its okay thank you for thinking of doing that nice thing and sorry for ruining it."

"libby Pugg stop apologising, you didn't ruin anything. I hated leaving you this morning you looked so cuddly." I say in a shy tone. "well maybe you'll just have to stay over again so you can wake up with me properly." she says nervously looking down.

I pick her chin up to look at me and smile at her "I would love that" I look down at her lips and she looks at mine, I lean in and she copies my actions so I go in for it and kiss her lips. More slowly than last night more meaningful and full of love. I pull back and we smile. Butterflies explode in my stomach. She hides her face on my shoulder so I don't see her blush "Don't hide your smile, your smile is beautiful." She chuckles when I say that and looks at me.

"now how about that breakfast?" I ask her

"Im not really hungry right now, I kinda wanna just go back to sleep" she climbs back into the covers and signals me to join her so I do. She lays her head back on my chest and I put my arm around her and stroke her head and she rests one of her legs on mine. Not long after she's fallen back asleep.

It worries me that she hasn't eaten but I try not to think about that as she has bigger issues going on, I saw the bruises on her waist hoping she would tell me about them but she hasn't, and I don't want to push her so I leave it. Im really worried about her, I want to take care of her but I cant do that if she doesn't talk to me. Maybe when she wakes up again I can try. I try to stop overthinking and try and go back to sleep along with her as I didn't get much sleep last night.


** Sorry if this seems rushed, and I hope you like this. Ive had some writers block so this is just a filler chapter before I can get to some of my big ideas. But let me know if you have any ideas for what you want to see in this book. But keep voting!! THANK YOU FOR READING IT <3xxxxx

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