Chapter 14

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Tommy's pov

I couldn't escape and now I'm locked in a fucking room.

What is this some kind of solitary confinement, like I need to be free. I may have a broken legs and not be able to fight and just generally, weak all round but I still have rights.

Well maybe not forever I mean at least I'm not a woman in these times, I have partial rights at least they're getting rid of that abortion in another country I'm pretty sure but still.


Because I am a human and that the bare minimum.

But god damn, I can't do shit to stop them from taking everything I have away, they have to much power over me and just everything I mean I can't even escape.

Escaping isn't that hard.

But at this point is my only way to escape with death? How would I commit it without them figuring out my plan.

Tubbos pov ( I forgot to add him in passed chapters so let's just say he was having some fun hanging with Ranboo lol)

Why are doors so hard to open like damn I just want to fucking get inside and...

I wonder how he's been! Did they take care of him, is he hurt more than he was when I left, did he escape, did he die. Oh god I have to get inside and FUCK YEAH, I got the fucking door open.

As I got inside I didn't waste a second running up the stairs and to Tommy's room.

I slammed the door open ( this is door abuse someone call the police) and.. ok what the fuck why is the window smashed, why is tommy not here.


Can my family not be trusted to do one thing right.

I mean somehow they even fucked up getting me home when they found me in a box on the side of the road, I was like 7. How hard is it to get a little kid to stay in one place for like an hour...

Wait. Never mind. Kids love to run around, and just destroy everyone's happiness like the gremlins they are.

Shit, wait maybe I should find techno or Wilbur for this, I mean searching out there alone would probably not work out who knows how long he could have been missing for.

So I must start the search and so that calls for me running the halls like a little kid again.

I'm so out of shape I thought as I felt myself wheezing trying to breath after the marathon I just ran around the mansion only to find Wilbur, Phil and techno all in the library.

"Guys, tommy he's gone poof not in his room, how could you guys let him leave like that, why haven't you checked on him who knows how long he's been gone for, what if he's dead" I ranted

Phil only sighed as he looked at me "he's fine tubbo"

" how do you know that, he's not in his room I mean think of all the things that could have happened to-"

Phil stoped me " let's just say he's having some time to think about his actions and that includes trying to escape and then hitting techno, I thought some solitary confinement might do him some good"

" you put him in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT" I puffed heavily

Last time someone in this family was in solitary it caused them to go insane don't you remember" as I glanced at Wilbur

"Hey, I tried to stop him but you know how Phil gets with this kind of stuff" Wilbur said

" ya well you should have tried harder" I glanced at techno who looked like he had heard nothing, he just continued to read through a book not even glancing my way.

"Techno, you can stop Phil, why didn't you" I said

He just put the bookmark in and shut the book and stared at me blankly.

" you and I both know that kid will stop at nothing even if it kills him, Tubbo he tried to jump out a window not thinking about the aftermath" techno said

" and you think solitary will help"I frowned "how would this help, because thinking about his actions in a situation like this he would probably be thinking how to kill himself and not about how to fix the mistakes he made"

Tommy pov

So if I wher to jump out of the second story window what would my rate of survival be I wonder, god I wish I could search these things up, I mean I now the rate of survival for falling out of a 4 story window, god what was it "50% chance" I exclaimed so if my math is correct it should be a 20% chance of survival (I did that on purpose okay he's supposed to be slowly going insane and from my quick google search of signs that someone is going insane it says confusion and so I chose confusion around math, because why not)

Technoblade pov

" would it make you happier tubbo if I went and checked on him" I said and with a quick nod of conformation from tubbo I placed my book on the coffee table and started to walk out of the library and towards the darker side of this place.

Once I got there I quickly opened the door only to see tommy sitting in the corner laughing to himself.

How can he be going insane already he spent what 2 hours in here.

"Tommy" I said he didn't look up
"Tommy!" I said again
"TOMMY!" He jumped in suprised at the sudden shout

"What" he answered bitterly

"Are you okay?" I said

"Why would you care, your the reason why I'm here in the first place" he said looking even more like I stomped on puppy.

"Look tommy we have all been in these situations, I mean I remember when I first got here somehow, although it only came back to me very recently, and I remember fighting tooth and nail to get out to be free and that only got me turned into what I am now. Something you would classify as a monster, before we even took you Phil had his eye on you, he was Going to take you either way, and god do I regret helping him. Now that I remember all I can think about is the fear I felt in that moment"I sat down in front of him " maybe just maybe I can help you get... out? That's if you want" tommy just stared at me blankly like what I said didn't register in his mind

" what if plants are just farming us, feeding us oxygen till the day we die so they can use us a mulch" tommy said

"Ok get up, where getting you ot of here before you get any weirder" I said

"Tobacco companies kill there best customers and condom companies kill their future customers" tommy said as he made eye contact with me.

"Stop..." I said trying hard to keep a straight face ( imagine being able to do that, I'm to gay to do that)

God this was a long chapter, and I had like way to much fun writing it, and again anyone who has ideas pls comment them I love reading them and adding them to future chapters if possible also if you do comment one and it does not get used don't take it personally, I really do love all the ideas it's just sometimes not the path I want to take the story down. Anyway thank you so much for 10K READS LIKE I SAW THAR AND FREAKED OUT WHAT THE HECKITY HECK, this also might be posted early since I'm going to the ekka on Sunday which is like an carnival but more expensive and more professionals and there's cattle from the outback and shit.

Anyway hope y'all have a wonderful day/nigt

Pronouns: she/they

You guys can also call me Anna if you feel comfortable no pressure and yes you can create nick names, honestly would love to see how creative some of you get lol 😂

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