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Tommy's pov

As any person would do I started to use my arms to get me across the bed and then down onto the ground which was a little more painful than I thought it would be but I continued on like the strong independent person I am because no one can stop me.

When I finally got to the window, I realised a few things and one of them is that I didn't think this through properly and now I have no idea how to get down, like that's- ooooh vines that works, now I just got to open the window and these dumbass's left it open, how stupid could you be like isn't it obvious that with my legs in this condition that I would try and escape I mean there the ones that did this to me.

As I opened the window and sat on the sill the door slammed open and in comes the one and only- oh wait all three of them, fuck. When they saw where I was I had to think fast like what do I say, I mean I can't threaten to kill myself, we'll actually I can do just that I must use this to my advantage as I am the biggest strongest man to ever walk this planet.

Technos pov

I could here movement coming from Tommy's room as I sat on the couch with Wilbur and Phil, we all seemed to here the same thing and that caused a lot of panic between the 3 of us so like any sane person would we ran to his room and slammed the door open and low and behold he's sitting on the window sill as I was about to take a step forward tommy yelled "if you try and stop me I will kill myself" ok so that put us in a tough situation, maybe I could run and grab him really fast I mean he can't get far out the window with his legs like that, I turn to look at Wilbur and Phil and realise wills gone, seriously. Out of all the moments he has to disappear, it's right now.

Me and Phil made eye contact and realised our only option was to either let him go or try and grab him in hopes we could save him and we chose the later, because we can't live without him even if he wants us to he's my pride and joy and one last time I make eye contact with Phil, he's our pride and joy I thought one last time as I turn back to tommy and start running towards him at full speed but he's quicker which is a first, he leans back and falls out the window...


I love leaving people to have to wait for the next part because I'm lazy and can't be bothered to right it yet


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