Chapter 1

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Tw : swearing and blood I recommend if your squeamish at the mention of blood to leave the story because ya know a vampire story they kind drink that stuff

Tommy's pov
As my eyes cracked open after a restless night filled with noises and fear, I decided to go for a walk, but I quickly realised the weather, overcast, the worst days of the year, vampires roam free, able to walk around without a worry. Humans on the other hand, must look every way make sure no one approaches and be as stealthy as possible, or they become at risk to the vampires deciding they wanted a nice refreshing snack.

But against all the warnings I decided to take a look around, I mean there was nothing better to do. So I poked my head around the corner seeing not one person in my line of sight so I step out completely, and as I did I came to realise I had blind spots, from the way I looked out and there I stood facing a group of 4 people, they all had blood red ey- HOLY SHIT THERE VAMPIRES. My head swung side to side to see which way would be best to run and with that I took of down the street, but they quickly followed and  and against my will my body started to slow down as sweat dripped down my face. I was so focused on not slowing down that I didn't see the curb I was running directly towards and so I tripped feeling my knees and hands scrap against the concrete and the slight appearance of blood trickling down my now pain filled legs, but I couldn't stop now I had to escape, there kind, killed my family caused unbearable pain so with that I took of to my left down a side ally, I should have gone right because I was quickly met with a dead end and with that the people finally spoke.

"Are you done running", the tallest of the bunch said, I simply ignored the question and asked one of my many thoughts running through my head "w-what do yo-you want wit-h m-me" I said out of desperation hoping that they would leave me alone but I new people don't just chase a person to say hello to them, they wanted to kill me, I was going to be there snack, I felt my breathing pick up. I tried to scream but it felt like my body was loosing control of its self as I tried to stay stable but new against all my wishes my body disagreed, and so a shorter figure but still taller than me spoke " we want you, what's your name child?" He said with a cold voice and an amused stare, but I could only stutter out a response with the amount of emotions running through my body at the speed of light, "t-t-to-Tomm-y, i-it's tomm-y

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