Chapter 9

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Tommy's pov

"Yes, can have a friend over just not any time soon let tommy settle in a bit more but you could always go out with you friend at some point" Phil said

Tubbo nodded and then Phil turned to me, "are you done asking questions?" I said "yes" although I wanted to ask more but I didn't, and so with that I made my way back to my room. It wasn't a big deal anyway I couldn't imagine what they would do if I annoyed them I mean they could hurt me or worse.

I quickly came to the conclusion that I needed to escape  and I needed to now.

One of my main questions running through my head right now was how many people had they kidnapped and if they had, what happened to them? Did they survive? Was it some rivals that killed them? God I just want to know these but I need to focus on the problem at hand.

How do I leave. I mean I'm on the second story, I mean maybe there's something I could climb down and so with that I walked over to the window to see the trees surrounding the property, and the yard. "Rich fucks" I mumbled hating the fact I was on the second floor. As I moved my head slowly to see if I could climb down anything I spotted "vines" I exclaimed but quickly put a hand over my mouth.

With that my plan was set I would, climb down to the vines and then go over to the wall surrounding the property and maybe climb the vines if there where over there, it was to far to see.

As my hands moved down to open the window I realised it was locked from the outside, how the fuck did the do that shit, maybe they placed the window the wrong way? Well dam now I have to break it.

As my eyes scanned the room they fell upon the chair next to my desk so I quickly speed walked over there and picked it up. I new if I was to break it I would have to move fast because I don't know how fast they could be here but I took the risk. I stepped closer lifting the chair up high enough and used all my force to push the chair towards the window and then it smashed.

With out wasting any time I stood on the windowsill and grabbed the vines and started to climb down the vines.

When I got to the bottom I took of running towards the back corner only to quickly here footsteps behind me, I turned my head back to see who was chasing me, guards and techno? Dam.

I turned my head back quickly and continued to push myself to the absolute limit.
And I reached the edge and yes there are vines.

I gripped onto them and started to climb only to feel something clasp my ankle and yank me back down to the ground. Ugh techno, without a  word he picked me up and chucked me over his shoulder. He started walking not a word being said but I wasn't having it so i started to struggle

"If you don't stop moving I'll break both your legs, did you forget my warning? I'm not going easy on you, you know your in the wrong here" techno said

"How am I in the wrong you kidnapped me, I just want to go back to my old life not live with some, some blood sucker" I exclaimed trying to get my point across so he would realise the situation but all he said was " watch your tone I haven't decided weather I break both or just one leg yet" and with that I shut up.

I heard the door open and then I was chucked on a couch, dam I guess I failed pretty badly. I saw Phil walk into the room and he quickly grabbed me, he could see the confusion etched on my face, he just gave me a small smile and hugged me I felt warmth over take me, wait I can't move I started to struggle but it did nothing.

My leg was picked up and I knew what was happening, I felt the tears run down my face as a pain shot threw my left leg and I felt a curdle leave my throat.

But I felt a hand on my second leg and the realisation hit me they decided to- to break both my legs "no, no , no , stop, it hurts, stop" my words where if ignored and the pain shot through my right leg, and I started to sob violently but I new I couldn't do anything about it now I mean what was I gonna do walk away?

While I was lost in my mind I felt a cloth placed against my mouth and my brain started to go fuzzy. And the world faded

Time skip brought to you by my inconsistency with posting

I felt my mind come back to me and my eyes shot open, i was in my bed, but as I went to get up I saw the casts on my leg. One full cast and one half cast, fuck, well that wasn't very nice of techno.

My door slammed open quickly and wilbur came in, god can I not be left alone sometimes. He had soup with him and he set it down on my bedside table "thought you might be hungry after the stunt you pulled today" Wilbur said, I just sighed in response.

"Eat up kid, because of us you have exelerated healing so they should be healed in a week or 2 but I hope this taught you a lesson on what you should do and what you shouldn't do and maybe this will stop it from happening again

To be continued, have a nice night or day


Words: 1001

Longest chapter I've ever wrote, especially on my phone god my thumbs are killing me, sorry if there are any spelling mistakes I'm to lazy to edit anything so you guys are gonna have to deal with it.

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