Jill valentine x sister reader pt 1

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{your POV}

It's been a while since my sister was forced off of the S.T.A.R.S team by that no good prick chief irons, I'm surprised I wasn't forced off too, well, with me being there at the mansion incident, I can only guess the reason he kept me on was because I was never really mentioned in the reports, after I heard what he did to Jill I so wanted to storm right to his office but Jill wouldn't let me, she kept saying that I'd get hurt or I'd have a target on my back, which she isn't wrong, but still, I wanna fucking drop kick that fat fucking pig of a useless bought out overrated chief.

Ever since the incident Jill has been suffering from PTSD, I try to help in anyway I can, but I can't do much, she's been avoiding sleep because of the nightmares every time she dozes off, I can't exactly get her medicine because well Y'know umbrella literally controls like damn near if not everything in raccoon city, who knows what they would do to her medicine, so I came up with a plan, I started taking lessons from Rebecca about herbs and medicine in hopes I can make some medicine to help Jill, Rebecca and I have been working days on end none stop, except for when we have to go out on missions, but other then that we've been working none stop to hopefully create a medicine to help Jill sleep and relax.

I let out a groan and a sigh of relief as I finally stretched my back and stood up, "you goin' home (y/n)?" Brad asked, I nodded and gave him a smile, "drive and get home safe" brad said to me once again I just nodded back, ever since the incident I rarely speak anymore, I choose to keep to myself and only talk to Jill, I used to talk to wesker all the time, I'd always pester him in his office, I'd always make small jabs at him, jokingly of course never mean or rude or disrespectful, sometimes he'd jab at me back with a smirk, 'not now (y/n), you can't think to those times, they're gone and dead' I thought bitterly to myself as I patted my checks and shook my head to clear my thoughts.

I left the police station and got into my car, I turned on my favorite playlist on Spotify (praise Spotify) and softly started humming to the tunes playing through the speakers, I pulled out my phone out of my purse and texted Jill.
(Y/n): I just got off work, I'll be heading home soon, do you want anything to eat while I'm out?.
Jill: are you ok? Did anyone say anything to you??.
(Y/n): I'm fine Jill, I promise, no one said anything mean to me, the only one who spoke to me was brad, other then him everyone has been avoiding me like the plague.
(Y/n): aaaaanyway, what do you wanna eat??, I'm hungry for uhhhhh, ohhhh Wendy's sounds good, what about Wendy's?.
Jill: lol, sure, Wendy's sounds great.
(Y/n): alrighty, what do you want?.
Jill: I'll take the classic big bacon cheddar chicken without pickles, as for the side I'll take some cheesy French fries and a medium Pepsi.
(Y/n): allllllrightyy, good thing you wrote that down in text, 'cause I would not have remembered that lmao!.
Jill: lol, just get home safe, I'll be waiting for you at home.
(Y/n): alrighty, I'll try to be home soon, love ya.
Jill: love you too.

(And yes, I did search up a Wendy's menu to get jills order lmao)

I chuckled and put my phone back in my purse which was in the passenger seat to my right, I buckled up and started driving, I eventually got home and called Jill to let her know I was there, I heard a loud knock on the door which let me know the door was unlocked, ever since Jill was laid off after the incident with umbrella, the mansion and wesker, we've been very paranoid, I grabbed the food, locked my car door and let out a hum as I entered Jill and i's shared apartment, Jill let out a breathe she was holding in and smiled at me, the smile was filled with what I could tell was anxiety, lack of sleep, and dare I say slight fear, I gave Jill a sad disappointed look, "look Jill, I know you don't like sleeping but-" I tried to finish my sentence but I was cut off, "(y/n), I'm fine, I promise, I sleep when I can" Jill said trying to convince me, it just looked like she was trying to convince herself tho, I sighed but didn't bring it up any further, it wouldn't do any good if I did anyway, I put the food on the table "well, bon appetite" I said as I grabbed my food and leaved jill's food to Jill, "thanks (y/n)" Jill told me as she sat across from me and began to eat her food.

At least she was eating....


{time skip}

Jill passed out from exhaustion and sleep deprivation, i grabbed her favorite jacket and laid it on top of her gently as to not wake or disturb her from her sleep, I eventually went to sleep as well after finishing some paperwork for the police station.

{Jill POV}

I was standing in my apartment, I looked around, it was the same room, but it looked different, i couldn't put my finger on it but it just looked...wrong... I walked over to the bathroom hoping that if I splashed some water on my face it would make everything feel normal, I glanced at the room beside the bathroom and saw (y/n) passed out asleep on her bed, I quietly entered the bathroom and shut the door behind me, I walked over to the mirror and looked at my face, 'jeez, things sure have changed hasn't it' I thought to myself, I briefly closed my eyes and sighed, I turned the knob and the water soon started pouring out of the tap, I splashed water on my face and looked back at myself through the mirror, I gasped and jumped backwards....'my face!....what's happ-...no..nonononono!' I yelled to myself, I started hyperventilating and grabbed my gun 'I won't let this happen!', I then quickly pulled the trigger.

I woke up startled and quickly sat up in my seat, I looked around quickly only to realize it was a nightmare, "shit, I dozed off" I muttered to myself as I leaned my head back and rubbed my hands over my face, I stood up and walked over to the board looking at the evidence I've gathered so far, 'I'm still missing some evidence but those bastards have everything locked down to the t, no way in hell I'll be able to get in, I'll find a way, they will go down' i was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ring, I walked over to it and picked it up, answering the phone I quickly heard brad (if I remember correctly) talking quickly on the phone.

(Now this is where I might remember some things wrong so hehe time to skip povs 'cause like, I really think I'm forgetting some stuff)

{your POV}

I was jolted awake by a huge crash that shook the entire apartment, "what?? What the fuck??" I asked myself out loud trying to figure out what's happening, I heard Jill yell my name to which I quickly grabbed my gun and extra ammo, I rushed outside of my room to see this huge ass monster trying to grab Jill, "GET AWAY FROM HER YOU BASTARD" I screamed at the ugly thing as I unloaded my full clip of ammo into it's ugly ass, it snapped it's head towards me and started walking towards me, "(Y/N) OUT THE WINDOW NOW!" Jill yelled at me "ON IT" I yelled back as we quickly jumped through the window behind us, "what is that thing?!" I said still in shock, "I don't know but we need to figure out what the hell is happening, I don't doubt umbrella has something to do with this" Jill told me, I nodded as we continued down the stairs of the apartment, it seems we lost the thing for now, but I have an uneasy feeling it will show up again.



I'm gonna cut off the chapter here because I've been writing for this off and on and my motivation has died and my memory is shit so I'll have to rewatch markiplier's play through of resi three so I guess this will be a part one???? Honestly I have no fucking clue lmao, I'm sorry for the slow chapters n stuff, but I'm slowly getting to them! I promise!.

This is zurie, signing off, cya!.

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