4k/5k party!

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I'm so sorry this is late I just haven't had the motivation to do shit, I hope y'all can forgive me and enjoy this weird ass whatever tf this is chapter that I'm still figuring out Y'know lmao.


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(This is going to be shit because I don't know what I'm writing I'm just pulling ideas out of my ass at this point)
The party was alive, filled with laughs, filled with friends, filled with loved ones, and filled with some people they hate, chris and piers (I think I spelled his name right?? Fuck it I'm double checking brb) (ok spelled it right) were fucking dead ass black out drunk, just singing their hearts out to the music playing in the back ground, which just so happens to be hentai bitch, Jill couldn't help but keep her guard up and guns on her since wesker and nemesis were here, Carlos said fuck it long ago and is now at a card table playing strip poker, he's doing horribly, Claire being Claire is a bit tipsy not wanting to get fully drunk with the enemies near by, but still wanted to have a good time, so she joined the strip poker game, she was surprisingly very good at the game, which made Carlos a tiny bit upset 'cause he was losing, "how come she never loses?! How can she be so good" he slurs a bit as he lost again, (me trying to wrack my tired, sleep deprived distracted brain on who tf else is in resident evil) "dude that sounds like a you problem, but she isn't as good as me" jake said as he took a swig from his beer bottle, (or was it sherry?, GOOGLE COME HERE RIGHT FUCKING NOW) (it's sherry not cherry) sherry sighed as she watched jake throw away his money, he lost long ago he's just still in the game because he was determined to win so he threw his money in the pot, "c'mon jake I say put your clothes back on and go drink some water" sherry said trying to coax him to take a break, "what no, NO! I will win! I won't lose to anyone!" Jake said as he placed down his cards, and surprisingly won, "HHAHAH FUCK YEAH TAKE THAT BITCHES" jake yelled triumphantly as he fist bumped the air with a shit eating grin, sherry just put her hand on her forehead and sighed, Carlos grumbled a low "bullshit" thankfully jake didn't hear it or a fight would've broken out.

Leon was sitting at the bar drinking his whiskey, finally a fucking day off for him, Ada sat down next to him and ordered a martini (I don't know many alcoholic drinks ahhhhhhhhhhh) "the mystery of you grows every day doesn't it Ada" Leon said to the female to his left, he never expected her to be here, "good, let's keep it that way" Ada said as she gently took her drink and sipped on it, "never took you for a party woman, didn't expect you to show up" Leon said as he asked for another drink of whisky, Ada let out a small amused scoff and smirked as she turned her head slightly to look at him, "and I never expected you to have so many friends, I thought you were a loner alcoholic who just did his job with a hatred for the world" Ada said smugly.

Jill had to stop Claire for trying to pick a fight with wesker for trying to kill her brother, "LET ME GO JILL LET ME AT 'EM LET ME AT 'EM" Claire yelled out at Jill as she tried to escape her grasp, "Claire we shouldn't waste our time with these dumbasses when we can hang out and party" Jill said trying to convince her to not attack wesker, "plus we can always kick his ass later, let's gang up on him behind a 7-eleven" Jill whispered in Claire's ear, Claire couldn't help but laugh at this, "hell yeah I'm down for that!" Claire said as she stopped struggling, and the two females walked away, wesker couldn't help but sigh and sat at the far end of the bar and asked for some royal crown whisky.

Turns out all those people in one room with their enemies and emotions was a bad idea, it almost ended in bloodshed, everyone disbanded before anything too bad happened, the night could've gone better but everyone had a fun time, even wesker, but he would never admit it.


I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, I was literally just combining random shitty thoughts together hoping it would make sense, it kinda does, but I'll let y'all be the judge of that, THANK Y'ALL FOR 5K VIEWS THIS IS SO FUCKING AMAZING I'M SO HAPPY RN, now, let me write 20 more chapters because I need to get them done because I've procrastinated for so damn long.
This is zurie, signing off, cya!!.

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