Dimitrescu sisters x trans sister reader

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{your POV}

I sighed as I clutched my short and hair and almost screamed in anger as tears welled up in my eyes, I wiped my eyes and grabbed my brush to brush my hair, i finished brushing my hair and went over to my closet and grabbed some clothes and got dressed.

Mother had called us to the main room, "yes mother?" We all asked at the same time, we all smiled at each other well besides cassandra, when I joined the dimitrescu family we kept accidentally doing it, sometimes all of us would speak at the same time, then some of us would could have an entire conversation without speaking, "my dear children I have something for you all" she said as she gave all of us a wrapped up gift, we opened it up and my sisters squealed in joy as they got a new nice lovely black dress while I got a suit, I gave my best smile and thanked her.

We ate lunch and I started walking in the hallway back to my room, I saw Danielle's door was cracked open and stepped on in and glanced around, I found one of her old dresses so I took it and shut the door quickly, walking down the hallway to my room, I was unfortunate enough to get the room at the very end of the hallway while my sisters got rooms closer to mother.

I entered my room and placed the dress on my bed and sighed, I quickly undressed myself and put on the dress, while it didn't quite fit it still looked amazing, I looked in the mirror and smiled but then frowned 'what if someone finds out, what if they disown me for this, who would ever accept me for me??' I thought to myself as I sat on my bed and cried.

I heard someone knocking on the door and before i could react Danielle came into the room, she saw me and gasped "(y/n) why are you crying?!" She said in a worry as she ran over to me and quickly hugged me, I just hugged her and continued to cry while chanting "sorry".

———————————{**time skip**}——————————

"You alright now?" She asked as she holds my hands, I started to fidget "Danielle??" I muttered she looked into my eyes "would it be ok if I told you something?" I asked nervously she nodded "of course! I could never tell you no" she said while a comforting smile, "do you think mother would disown me if I told her I wanted to be a woman??" I said with shaky breaths, Danielle looked shocked by this but shook her head "she'd accept you no matter what! Don't you see (y/n) she loves you so much" Danielle said I started shaking, "but everyone else in the village hates me, why would she love someone like me?!? I'm a freak?!" I said as I started crying again, Daniele grabbed my face "(y/n) she hated men and she still adopted you, she loves you as her own, so if you went up to her right now and told her you wanted to be a female, she'd still love you as her own" she said as she hugged me "thank you" I muttered as I hugged her back.

"Now! Let's get you all prettier then you already are and go tell mom" Danielle said "yeah!" I said with a confident smile.

————————————-{time skip}——————————————

I gasped as I looked at my new look "oh mother Miranda....I look so pretty, I'd cry if it didn't take so long to put the makeup on, thank you so much!" I said as I jumped up in joy, "anything for a sister" she said as she grabbed my hand, I let out a shaky breath and nodded "let's go tell mother" I said, Danielle nodded "let's go".

"You ready?" She asked "I'm ready as I'll ever be" I said with a nervous smile, Danielle knocked on the door "who's there?" Mother asked "it's me mother" Danielle said "come in" mother said, Danielle entered the room and I started fidgeting with my gloved hands "I've come to tell you something very important, but i can't tell you, it has to be (y/n) she has something to tell you" Danielle says "well then bring him in" mother said, i felt a pang in my heart as I heard her say that, Danielle stuck her head out of the door frame "c'mon, you can do this" she said, I nodded and let out a breathe and walked in, mother's eyes widened "mother, I" I stuttered "(y/n)??" She asked "mother, you adopted me a year ago after the village abandoned me for being who I was, and I've been thinking, there's no one else here I trust more here then you, well besides Danielle, so I felt like I could trust you enough to tell you" I said, mother stayed quite as she listened to me "mother, I can't be your son, but I can be your daughter, I've never felt like a man, I've always looked at myself and hated the way I looked, I've always felt like I should be a woman, I've always seen myself as a woman, mother, I was supposed to be born a woman, I can't explain it well, but mother, please, please don't kick me out, it's ok if you don't like me anymore but pleas-" I was stopped during my sentence by her hugging me "I'll always love you, my little girl" she muttered, I've never felt so happy in my entire life.


I hope y'all enjoyed this episode, if y'all want specific stuff in more chapters just comment, by specific I mean like a specific name or a specific chapter or specific pronouns.

Well, anyway, this is zurie, signing off and cya next time!!!

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