Yandere lady dimitrescu x willing fem reader

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Please thank this person for giving me this amazing idea, I'm so sorry I'm getting to it late I've been struggling with my attention span and focus for a while but I'm getting better again so I hope you enjoy it

Please thank this person for giving me this amazing idea, I'm so sorry I'm getting to it late I've been struggling with my attention span and focus for a while but I'm getting better again so I hope you enjoy it

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{your POV}

  I lived a happy life, my step mother and father loved me dearly, my brothers would do anything to protect me and the icing on the cake was working for lady dimitrescu, she always makes sure that I'm ok, she's always keeping me safe and protecting me, she always makes sure I'm comfortable and happy. her daughters love me as if I was their second mother, Daniella is always trying to get me to tell lady dimitrescu of my crush on her, but I could never, she's my mistress, I could never confess to her, what if I make her uncomfortable?, or what if she hates me?.

Mother Miranda has informed the lords that they would be holding a meeting in lady dimitrescu's castle, lady dimitrescu said she was fine with it and that'd she would be expecting them, but later that night she was venting to me about it.

"That fool heisenburg will be here, and he will drag all that mud and muck into my home! He's going to ruin my expensive couches and to make things worse last time he was here he urinated in some of favorite vases!" She complained to me as I sat across from her listening to every word she said agreeing, "if I may m'lady, what if we make lord heisenburg sit in one of your couches or chairs you never cared about, I know you keep a few of them in storage because they were hideous" I told her casually, she hummed in thought but eventually nodded, "while I appreciate the thought my darling, but I will always treat my guests with the up most respect, it's what being a dimitrescu is all about, if we don't show respect we would be just as bad as the riff raf (idk how to spell it) like heisenburg" lady dimitrescu said as she finished her sixth glass of wine, I sighed softly 'she sure is stressing about this' I thought to myself, "m'lady, tomorrow will go swimmingly, I just know it will, because you are a strong and amazing woman who can conquer any tough challenge that comes your way, plus you will have your daughters, me and the other maids, we will do our best to make sure tomorrow will go smoothly" I told her confidentially to try to calm her nerves, she sighed then smiled at me with a small chuckle, "I believe you can do this my darling, thank you, I do not know what I would do without you" lady dimitrescu told me as she help my left cheek.

{a few hours later}

Lady dimitrescu has finally gone to bed after our planning, I quickly but quietly walked through the halls getting everything ready, I'll wake up tired tomorrow but this is worth it, I cleaned the main meeting area and organized everything, I rearranged the furniture to where it was surrounding a table, I went into one of the storage rooms and grabbed some golden candle holders and placed them on the table, I quickly went into the kitchen and washed the main dishes they would be using, I got the ingredients for the tea ready and set the beside the tea pot, lady dimitrescu and lady beneviento like's warm mint Basel honey tea (no clue if that's a thing I just like it, I just mix a lot of things together lmao), I prepped the food for tomorrow to make sure it was perfect, I whipped the sweat off my forehead after I washed my hands and walked out of the kitchen and started cleaning the lower areas of the castle.

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