Leon kennedy x cop reader part one

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This chapter is based off of resident evil 2 remake, this wasn't requested by anybody I just wanted to write it, plus I gotta hurry it write it while I have motivation and while my dog Leon is asleep time to fuckin' speed run! Dudududu I also do not own any of the art shown in this chapter.



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{your POV}

I leaned against the door trying to catch my breath, "fuckin' bastards, why don't they just stay dead" I said to myself as I barricaded the door once again, I've worked at the raccoon city police department for around 5 years now, "fuck, I need to get back to Marvin, I haven't seen him since we split up to try to find a way out" I told myself as I quickly ran into the makeshift kitchen I made and grabbed some food and drinks, 'it's not much but it'll do, it's better then nothing' I thought to myself, I packed the food and water and grabbed some extra ammo for Marvin, 'please be ok Marvin, I'm on my way' I thought to myself as I grabbed my backpack filled with stuff and left my safe room.


"JUST FUCKING DIE YOU FUCKING ASS HOLES!" I screamed out as i shot down 20 zombies (Y'know gotta make the reader a badass 'cause y'all are) I ran down the hall breathing heavily trying to watch out for zombies, I thought zombie's were bad! I never thought I'd actually fucking meet zombie dogs!, I bursted through one of the doors in the hallway and slammed it shut behind me, I let out a sigh of relief as I got to the other side, but it was short lived when I felt a bullet get shot into the door right by my head, it made me jump and pull out my gun quickly, thankfully whoever it was is a bad shot "WOAH NOT DEADLY NOT DEADLY!" I yelled out as held my hands up in the air above my head, "holy shit (y/n) you're ok" I heard a familiar voice say, "stand down rookie! Don't shoot" the same familiar voice said, I looked down the hall and saw Marvin "OH THANK GOD MARVIN YOU'RE OK" I yelled down to him with a smile on my face and quickly put my gun back in my gun holder and booked it down the hall way and down the stairs to where he was, I quickly engulfed him in a hug and he hugged back, "I'm glad you're ok (y/n)" Marvin said as we parted, "I left as soon as I could to come find you, I'm so happy you're ok too, dude you had me so worried!" I said with a laugh, "damn Marvin I guess this zombie apocalypse has got you on edge, you need to work on your aim old man" I said jokingly while rolling me eyes with my lopsided grin, I heard Marvin laugh "I'll have you know that wasn't me, my aim is just fine, the one who shot was Leon, the rookie behind you" Marvin said, with that info I froze slightly, "rookie?? Wait wait wait, he showed up?!? I told him to stay away!" I said very concerned, I quickly turned around and stared at the blonde in front of me, "you! I told you to stay away! Now look! You're fucked just like the rest of us!" I told him slightly angry, "how could I stay away when my new job told me to stay away that something terrible was happening, and you expected me not to show up! I had to know what was happening and help, that's why I'm here, to help people" the blonde argued back at me, before I could respond marvin shut us up "alright that's enough! (Y/n) this is Leon, Leon this is (y/n)" Marvin said introducing us to each other, I nodded at him with a sigh and pinged the bridge of my nose to compose myself, I can tell he was still mad but he still responded with a "hi" Leon said simply, I heard Marvin groan in pain a bit trying to keep his pain silent which made me turn around to look at him to which I finally noticed the blood on the right side of his waist "oh what the fuck Marvin what happened..." I muttered my worry sky rocketing as I quickly grabbed my backpack and took out some bandages and some first aid spray, Marvin sat down on the bed type thing and sighed "I got fooled, another of our own got turned, I tried to save him, I couldn't shoot him...and he bit me, don't get fooled like me, if you see one of those things shoot them! Uniform or not, don't be afraid to kill them, it's you or them, always pick you over those things, don't do what I did" Marvin said, I started patching his wound as quickly as I could, "if you weren't so hurt I'd slap you right now, what were you thinking!!! If one of them is turned shoot no matter what Marvin! Jesus Christ man, I knew I should have stuck with you" I said my breathing starting to get slightly labored by my worry and anger, my hands slightly shaky, Marvin let out a breathy chuckle closing his eyes and shaking his head, he opened his eyes before he spoke and looked away not wanting to meet my gaze, "it's fine (y/n), look at what you found when we split up, you found all this food and ammo, this wasn't for nothing" Marvin said trying to lighten the mood, "fuck this stuff Marvin! You've been here with me ever since I first joined, when the others ignored me you were there, you always helped me when I needed it, you made me into the officer I am today, I can't imagine what would happen if you ever disappeared, you can't leave us Marvin" I told him while clenching my jaw to stop myself from crying.

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