Technical Difficulties

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It was night and we were sneaking through the jungle and around trees as we made our way to the edge of the jungle that surrounds the compound.

"Come on." Brooklyn whispered. We all crept closer before hiding behind trees and rocks. "We still don't know what Kash's next move is, or why he wants to control those dinos."

"Uh, I know why. The dude's a total psycho. And the longer Darius is with him, the more danger he's in." Kenji whispered. We all waited around for Darius to show up for our meeting. But he was late.

"He's late." Ben pointed out.

"What if something happened to him?" Sammy asked.

"Don't, Sammy. Just......don't." I snapped before sighing, my eyes never leaving the compound.

"Nothing happened to him." Yaz tried to assure Sammy. "Uh, what if something did?"

"Not helping." I huffed while shooting her a pointed look. We then turned to the compound at the sound of the doors opening and closing. Darius ran towards us but something shot at him and it exploded behind him, causing him to go flying and sliding on his back. This black robot walked to stand in front of Darius as it stared at him. Kash then walked out of the compound while carrying a golf club.

"I see you've found your new babysitter. Or rather, it's found you." We could faintly hear Kash say. "It's part of my new fleet of upgraded models. I call it BRAD-X. After you disappeared, it seemed like a good time to take this baby for a spin. BT-dubs, what are you doing out here?"

"Honestly? I've been cooped up all day, and I'm bored. Can't I go for a walk?" Darius asked.

"Sure you can. And from now on, BRAD-X will be right there with you. And in cases you get any ideas......." Kash trailed off as he started beating the BRAD-X with the gold club but it didn't affect him at all. By the end of the beating, BRAD-X was untouched and the golf club was bent. "This new model's virtually indestructible." Kash said before he walked back inside the compound. We watched as Darius started walking into the compound with the BRAD-X, but before the doors closed, he turned to us and held up six fingers before he turned and the doors closed.

"Six....." Ben whispered.

"What does that mean?" Kenji asked.

"No idea. But we need to know what Darius knows." Brooklyn said. We nodded before running back to the cave Mae was in and explaining to her what we witnessed and heard.

"That coward turned a robot loose on a child?" Mae asked in disbelief as she went to sit up but groaned and Ben and I helped her lean back against the rock.

"That thing was no joke. Kash went to town on it, and it didn't even get a scratch." Kenji sighed.

"Just because it's tough on the outside, doesn't mean it's tough on the inside too." Sammy said.

"What do you mean?" Brooklyn asked.

"It's just a robot, right?" Sammy questioned.

"I robot that's indestructible and designed that with a single blast anything it hits explodes, but yes. It is just a robot." I spoke up.

"Maybe you can shut it down, or reprogram it to be good instead of evil." Sammy suggested.

"So if we can find one, B can hack it, and we can swap it out with Darius's." Yaz grinned.

"Oh! Um, not sure if—"

"We finally have a way to communicate with Darius!" Ben cheered.

"Wow, Brooklyn. Is there anything you can't do?" Mae asked.

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