Things Fall Apart

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I woke up with a groan. My leg was killing me. I carefully get up and grab my bottle of painkiller before taking a pill. I then grab my waterproof backpack and restock it like I do every night. But since I missed last night I have to restock it this morning. I put 2 spare change of clothes for emergencies only, 2 painkiller bottles, granola bars for food, plenty of water bottles for a day or two (if rationed), a lot of bandages for injuries, also a first aid kit. I also put my jungle knife and pocket knife in the bag in case of emergencies. After I made sure I had everything I grabbed my bag and walked into the main room. Kenji was in a rolling chair, Yas and Sammy were on 1 couch and Ben was on the other. Brooklyn and Darius weren't here yet.

"Hey, guys." I started nervously. After I had everyone's attention on me I continued. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for how I acted yesterday. I shouldn't have snapped at y'all. It was wrong. I'm really really really sorry." I said.

"That's alright, E! I don't blame you. You did have your foot stuck under a quad. Speaking of which. How is it?" Sammy asked. I smiled at her and went to sit by Ben and I sat my bag on the floor next to my feet.

"It's doing better. It still hurts but I took a painkiller so I should be fine for awhile. It's only a mild tear. It'll be fine as long as I don't do anything to mess up the healing process." I said. Suddenly Darius comes into the room.

"What up, Camp Cretaceous? Whoo-hoo!"

"Not in a 'whoo-hoo' mood this morning, Darius. Not after yesterday. Trekking through a rainstorm will do that." Kenji said.

"We only had to walk because you crashed our gyrosphere." Ben said which caused Kenji to glare at him.

"But today's a new day! Kayak day! Who doesn't wanna paddle alongside dinosaurs, real dinosaurs? It's gonna be awesome, right? Wait, where are Dave and Roxie?" Darius asked.

"The babysitters took off early and left this." Kenji said as he stuck a note on Darius's chest.

"BRB. Gotta go. Boss-talk. BB. Later. Smiley Face.' Is that a dinosaur emoji with a thumbs up?" Darius asked.

"Sounds like Dave speak." I said.

"Roxie translated on the back." Kenji said.

"We have to go talk to our boss. Stay inside until we return. Draw, bond, whatever. The radio's set for channel six in case you need us. Stay inside, stay inside. Do not leave, Kenji, looking at you." Darius read off. I giggled at Roxies note. "Sorry for the kids' menus, it's all Dave had.'"

"Do they understand how old we are? I mean, when was the last time you even saw a crayon?" Kenji asked which caused Ben to show us his drawing of him and bumpy playing chess.

"Hmm. I have notes." Yas said causing Sammy to elbow her. Ben looked a little sad by that.

"It's alright, Ben. I like it. You think you could make me one of me and my T-Rex, Rexy?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. A second later the doors burst open to reveal Brooklyn.

"Brooklyn. What's new on the internet, superstar?" Yas asked. Brooklyn seems mad.

"I wouldn't know because when I went to get my phone from its charger, it wasn't there! Someone stole my phone." Brooklyn said. Yup. She's mad.

"Brooklyn, who hasn't had your phone?" Yas asked. Everyone then started explaining why they had her phone.

"I needed to check the weather last night." Ben.

"Dr. Sattler posted a new column on microfossils yesterday." Darius said.

".....too good to miss the selfie oop, but I haven't used it since then, I swear!" Kenji said. Brooklyn then looked at me.

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