The Cattle Drive

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"We thought it'd be fun. We thought we'd be safe, but......we didn't realize the...horror waiting for us on the island. much screaming." Darius said. He was telling us a story while we were gathered around a campfire on the balcony.

"How much screaming?" Ben asked frightened. He was clung onto Kenji's arm.

"Shh! He's getting to the good part." Kenji said.

"The T-Rex stalked closer. Her jaws opened wide." Before Darius could continue though he was interrupted by a camera flash. We all turned towards Brooklyn. She was sitting in between Kenji and Sammy, across from Darius. I was sitting a little ways away from them.

"For the vlog. Keep telling your little story." Brooklyn waved her hands for him to continue.

"Oh, here we go." Kenji said excited.

"The T-Rex sta-" he was cut off by Brooklyn again. I rolled my eyes and looked at her. I wanted to hear the rest of the story. It's good.

"Dang! Out of space. Wait, I'm sorry, hold on. I just don't wanna delete my selfie on Everest, you know?" I kinda understood. It's not everyday you can get a selfie on Mount Everest!

"Maybe I should start over."

"No!" Ben yelled. "I'm fact, you can just stop."

"Dude, chill. He's not even telling the story right now. And how is your trip this strong?" Kenji asked Ben.

"So, the T-Rex stalked-" Darius was cut off. Again! This time by Sammy.

"Shouldn't we call Yasmina over? I bet she'd love this story." Having enough me and Darius plopped done on the benches. I put my headphones on and started listening to music while they carried on about their conversation. I was interrupted from my music when I felt a raindrop hit my face. I opened my eyes to see the sky started to put down on us. While everyone else ran inside me and Darius stayed on the seats.

"Thanks, Brooklyn" I heard Darius say. I take my headphones off and sit up.

"Hey, Darius? Don't let them get to you with what they said. They don't know a great story teller if they hit them in the face. I liked your story. Especially since it involved a T-Rex. I'd like to hear the rest of it sometime." I said. He smiled at me and nodded. I then got up and walked over to the railing to stare out into the trees while the rain poured. It was calming. I closed my eyes and listens to the pitter patter of the rain. I was like this for a few minutes when I felt the rain stop falling on me. I opened my eyes to see Darius holding an umbrella above our heads.

"We can't having you catching a cold. Let's go inside. Then we can talk about dinosaurs and I can maybe finish my story." He offered. I smiled and nodded and we made our way inside.

We were standing in an open plain with dinosaurs. We had gyrospheres in front of us.

"Yes!" Darius yelled. He seemed excited. I don't blame him. "We get to drive gyrospheres? Cool!"

"Saddle up, dudes and dudettes. We're going on a cattle drive, but with dinosaurs! It's a Dino drive!" Dave said enthusiastically.

"And just to be clear, all these dinosaurs are herbivores, right?" Ben asked.

"Well, they only chewed on the last kid a little, so we're, like, 99% sure they're cool." Roxie said. "Park personnel are moving a group of dinosaurs to fresh grazing grounds across the island, and we get to ride along behind the herd."

"Are you kidding me? Dinosaur migration patterns are my jam!" Darius exclaimed.

"You may wanna consider a new jam, bro." Kenji said lightly shoving Darius.

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