Chapter 48 - The Hard Secret

Start from the beginning

It could also be the youth pastor from our church, and he'll have sooooooo many questions, but Greg is used to me and things that come out of my mouth. He'll just think I'm referring to the fact that he put me on the music roster for two solos again this month. He knows I hate doing solos!

Too much attention!

"Damn, this is the fifth time I've been told that this week and it's only Tuesday."

It is Tanner. I'll know Tanner Trent's voice anywhere. Nobody can sound like him, and even if it didn't sound like him just now, I'd still recognise his voice by the fact that my skin breaks out in goosebumps, and I feel the sudden urge to use my fists in violence.

He has that effect on me.

I'm also feeling a rush of relief that it is him and not some stranger who will now think they're dealing with one of those ridiculous stereotypical unchristian, judgmental, Bible-thumping Christians movie writers love to conjure up when they're not creative enough to think up original, real villains.

"Did the food give you the runs?" he almost sounds concerned, or is that his hopeful tone?

"No, it was friggeliscious!"

"I'm pretty sure that's not a word," Tanner drawls.

I was going to say frigging delicious, but my mouth ran away with me the way it sometimes does.

"I'm pretty sure it is a word."

"Come on, break it down for me. What did you like and why, and what did you not like and why not? Don't just make up weird-ass words."

Why am I being ordered around by Eros himself? I want to tell Tanner to take his abs and his smile and his heart-stopping eyes and his lips and his... I've lost my train of thought. It is never a good idea to think about any of Tanner's parts. I might not like the guy, but I really do like his parts. Separately. When they're not attached to him. 

I'm feeling a little flushed right now. I was going to tell him to get lost, but instead, I hear myself talk about all the wonderful things I tasted this afternoon.

"So, you think I should add a little more paprika to the quiche because the cheese is just whispering your name, and you really want it to scream at you?" he repeats my last sentence to me, and I realise that I'm not telling him to get lost, I'm writing him a love song.

"I'm all for subtlety, but not when it comes to cheese," I admit and almost spring a leak when Tanner laughs softly. He should be banned from making sounds like that, especially straight into my ear. It could kill me.

"Sure, but if I add more paprika or more cheese, won't it drown out all the other flavours in there?"

"You are absolutely right. The balance was perfect, but four baby quiches weren't enough to satisfy my lust for cheese," I admit, hanging my head in shame once more.

"Four? I'm pretty sure there were six."

"I sacrificed two on the altar of kindness and human decency."


"I gave Ronan one and left one for my mother. She's working the night shift, and I thought she might enjoy a treat when she gets home. I left her a sample of everything," Liar! Need I remind myself of the chocolate eclairs again?! "She's always so tired when she gets home. I think your food will cheer her up a bit. She's been working way too hard."

Oh, shoot! Who do I think I'm talking to? Dial-a-Friend?!

"I have this really good soup recipe that seriously puts back what the day takes out of someone. I'll make her some to take to work with her. It might help."

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