I Miss You More Than Anything

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"Hello? Can you tell me your name??" A woman's voice echoes loudly and continuously. Reluctantly, I open my eyes to be blinded by a haze of bright white lighting. "Uh- My name is uh.. Y/n L/n.." I choke out with a dry throat. "Okay, Y/n, we're going to take you into surgery. You're going to be alright!" The surgeon lady says, looking down at me with a pair of kind green eyes.


 "Y/n?" I hear a voice call out gently. My eyes flutter open in response. I'm in a clean room, in a bed that smells like a doctor's office. Am I in the hospital.. alive?? 

"Oh my god.. Hey!! We need a doctor!!" Someone shouts near the door. I finally process my surroundings and come to see that there's a total of four people in the room. There's Steve, Nancy, Robin, and Dustin. 

"Ah, finally awake I see, how are you feeling?" The same green-eyed surgeon from earlier walks into the room holding a clipboard. She's wearing teal scrubs and has her dark black hair in a low ponytail. "I've had better days." I let out a slight laugh. "Yeah, I bet!" She responds, scribbling something down on her clipboard, and leaving the room. 

I slowly sit up, leaning my back against the slightly elevated bed. "Where's Eddie?" I ask, looking directly at Dustin with eager eyes. "Y/n.. didn't you hear? Eddie is dead. He died trying to save YOU from those bat things." Dustin stares at me in disgust. "W-what?? No... That's not true... I saw him- He carried me here!" I shout, my voice cracking in anguish. 

I swear on my life I saw him... I felt him, he carried me here. I was in his goddamn arms! "It should have been you." Steve sneers, stepping closer to me. "And now it will be." Dustin adds in... yet it's not Dustin's voice, it's a much deaper... demonic voice. 

He gets even closer and closer, grabbing my arm tightly. "AHHH!!!!" I scream out, horrified as his face distorts into a veiny and shriveled skeleton. Vecna. 

"Y/n!! Hey! It's okay!!" 
Suddenly it all disperses into mist, and Dustin isn't Vecna... he's snapping his fingers in my face. "What did you see??" He asks, concerned. "You turned into Vecna... he's not dead." I utter, shocked to my core. "Where is Eddie??" I question urgently. "He's okay, he's out in the woods where we left him." Dustin grins dorkily. "Okay." I mumble, ripping the sheets and blankets off myself. 

"Woah, woah, what the hell do you think you're doing??!" Steve stops me from getting up. "I'm going to find Eddie." I say in a 'get the fuck out of my way' tone. "Yeah, you're not going anywhere until you're fully healed." He crosses his arms. 

"Don't you have kids to babysit?" I raise an eyebrow, hoisting myself up and off the bed. My legs are shaky but I can walk. "Hey!" Steve snaps, standing in front of me. "Move!" I urge. I'm two seconds away from pushing this son of a bitch. 

"Don't make me call the nurse." Steve threatens, pointing at the call button. "Fine.." I roll my eyes, sitting back down on the bed. 


It's now night time and everyone has left. I stare out the window at the darkened sky with longing. They told me about how Max died for a minute after being Vecna'd so that caused the fourth gate to open and connect with the others. I want to make sure Eddie's okay, I know he is, they told me, but I want to see him for myself... I want to feel him and hug him, I want to kiss his stupid face and just hold on to him. I miss him more than anything and It's only been a day.

You know what, fuck it. There's no nurses watching me right now, no Steves to get in my way. I can just walk out. 

I rip the IV out of my arm and carefully get off the uncomfortable bed. Dustin kindly brought me a new jacket from my trailer for when I get cold so I put that on, covering my hospital gown. I have to be careful not to over-do myself because I'm still healing from surgery. The surgeons had to take skin grafts from my thigh and transplant it onto my stomach and chest so that hurts like a bitch.

I creep over to the door and peak my head out. Seeing that the coast is clear, I sneak out and start to walk over to the elevators as if I'm just visiting someone here. I get in an elevator with some older guy, probably in his late fifties. He has balding grey hair and is wearing a flannel, covered by a brown corduroy jacket. 

The elevator door shuts and the ride down is silent. I glance over at him at the same time he seems to be glancing at me! Wait a minute... is that Wayne Munson?? Eddie's Uncle??! Trying to make this less awkward, I say something. "Mr Munson.. what brings you here?" I ask, trying not to sound nervous. He turns to me, a sorrowful look on his aging face. "Y/n.. I was actually coming to see you.. I heard you were admitted and wanted to make sure you were okay.." He looks away for a second as he says this, obviously a bit nervous too. 

"I don't know what the police told you but... Eddie didn't murder Chrissy, or take me hostage and what not. I know that's what they've been saying in the media, but it's not true." I explain, kind of frantically. "I know, my nephew isn't capable of that.. do you know where he is? Is he at least safe?" Mr. Munson asks, teary eyed. 

I'm not sure If I can tell him the truth.. what do I even say??! "I uh... Yes- He's safe, he's okay! I'm not sure where he is, but he's a hero, Mr. Munson, he carried me all the way here while I was bleeding out, he saved my life." I emphasize the word hero as I confess this. If anything, He deserves to know that his nephew is a hero... not a killer like everyone says. 

The elevator dings and the door opens. I pause for a second, wondering if I should go. Wayne just stares in worry, awe, and relief. "Have a good night, I hope you find him soon." I smile softly before exiting the elevator. 

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