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"WHAT THE FUCK- HOLY SHIT MOTHER OF FUCKS WHAT THE HELL-" I scream out a jumble of cuss words before being lifted up by Eddie and dragged out of the trailer. I get my footing and we sprint to his van. I jump in the passenger seat and he swerves out of the driveway and out of the trailer park. 


The whole car ride is silent, both of us just trying to process what type of fuckery we just witnessed. The car backs into a garage and Eddie gets out, I follow. "Where are we..?" I ask hesitantly. 

"This is the house of one of my buddies.. I crash here a lot. The guy's in jail so it should be fine." He says blankly, unlocking the door of the house with a key that he found under the doormat. 

We walk in and Eddie immediately collapses onto a couch which is in a corner of the room. I sit down in a recliner chair next to the couch. "So uh... all that shit did happen, right?? I'm not just hallucinating-"

"Yeah.. it happened." I respond wide eyed. "But how did she..." I trail off, staring at the floor in shock. "You see, Y/n, that's the great mystery!" Eddie jumps up from where he once laid. "Nobody knows until it KILLS EVERYONE!!!" He shouts, grabbing fistfuls of his hair. 

"Calm the fuck down, Eddie!!" I stand up, startled at the sudden yelling. "CALM DOWN??? HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN, Y/N??!!" He grabs my shoulders and stares into my eyes with terror. "Eddie..." I say calmly, reaching up to touch his face. He looks shocked but lets it happen.

Without warning, I pinch his cheek hard. "OW!" 

"JUST STOP YELLING, OKAY?!!" I let go and fall back into the chair. "Sorry." He mumbles before slumping back down on the couch. "So uh.. what do we do..?" I ask, knowing that he probably won't have a good answer. 

"I don't know... I really don't know.." He responds, burying his face in his shakey hands. 



We ended up moving into a shed behind the house so neighbors don't get suspicious. I guess you could say that we're a little less shocked? I'm still trying to process all this bullshit. She just... started floating and then... snap crackle pop!! Jesus christ that was a horrible way of putting it!

All the food in that guy's house is all rotten, so I'm starving at the moment.. though not that I have much of an appetite after seeing Chrissy get crunched like that... "I wonder if we've made the news yet." Eddie says from beside me. 

I look over at him, raising an eyebrow. "I mean if your uncle got home last night, then probably yeah.. poor guy had to have stumbled upon the body." I wince at the thought. 

"Yeah.." Eddie responds, staring off into space. He suddenly gets up, startled by something. He walks over to the door and peaks through the cracks. "Shit!" He shouts in a whisper and grabs my arm pulling me up. I watch as he uncovers the tarp that was over a big bin line storage space. "Huh?" I look at him confused.  

"Get in!" He hurriedly pushes me over to and into the bin before I could say anything! It's pretty cramped with all the paddles and shit that's already in here so I have to lay down curled up into a ball. Eddie gets in after me, covering us with the tarp after he lies down directly behind me. 

"What t-" I start saying something but am quickly hushed by Eddie, who clasps his hand over my mouth. I immediately understand when I hear the door to the shed swing open. 

That's not the main thing on my mind right now though.. The fact that Eddie's so close to me is making my mind run wild nervously. His body is pressed up tightly against mine, due to the cramped space. I can feel his heavy and panicked breath right against my neck... and of course his hand is still clasped tightly over my mouth.

"Steve, what are you doing with that??" A familiar voice chimes from the right. It's so dark under this tarp that I can't see.. but I can't help but recognize that voice. That's Dustin Henderson's voice! I can confirm that there's at least two people in the room, Dustin and Steve (the hair) Harrington. We're not as totally fucked as I thought we were.. as long as there's no cops.

"I'm seeing if there's anyone under here." Steve says. All of a sudden, something starts poking at the tarp. Shit.. 


My eyes widen and I gasp hard when something jabs me in the side roughly! Thankfully, the gasp wasn't noticeable to them due to Eddie's hand still covering my mouth. I can feel his other hand touching the spot where I was just rudely poked at. His hand is warm, bringing some sort of comfort to the dull but painful ache in my side. 

"You guys sure they're here?" A woman's voice asks from above. "Don't worry, if there is then Steve will get em with his ore!" Dustin replies sarcastically. 

In a second's time, the feeling of Eddie's presence is gone.. along with the tarp. "AHHHHH!!!!" He shouts, attacking someone?!!! 

I sit up immediately to see Eddie holding a broken beer bottle to Steve's throat??!! "Holy shit." I stand up, processing the scene. Dustin gives me a confused look but then turns his attention towards Eddie, who is still pressed up against steve with the beer bottle. 

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