Adventure into Madness!

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But like, if he tooled with me about the time earlier, I'm gonna have fun messing around with this whole skull rock thing!


A feeling of aggressive tapping on my face forcefully drags me into consciousness, how rude! I open my eyes to see Eddie's face centimeters from mine??! "Dude!" I slap his hands away from my face, which were still tapping me!

"Hey- Uh just checking to see if you're still alive-" He pauses and sits down next to me against the rock. "I managed to contact Henderson and the others, they'll be here shortly." He says while staring off into space. 

I look up from where I was gazing at the ground only to start bursting out in a fit of laughter. Eddie's appearance just occurred to me. His hair is full of leaves and there's some dirt smeared across his face, giving the apparition of a mustache. His hair is also sticking up in the back, kind of like alphalfa's from little rascals!

"Hey, what's so funny??!" Eddie hits my shoulder in a signal to knock it off. One last glance at him makes the laughter even worse, causing me to hunch over with my arms across my stomach. He looks so goofy, like normally he looks kinda mean and scary but this.. this is just-

"What??!" Eddie throws his hands up in the air, pulling me by my shirt to look at him. "Your h-" I pause to wheeze. This shit shouldn't be this funny! "Your hair- "

"Holy shit, are you guys high again??!" An annoyed voice startles me as it approaches. I turn around to see Dustin with his hands on his hips. Next to him stands Steve, a disapproving scowl on his face. 

"No! Hey Henderson, there something wrong with my hair??!" Eddie lets go of my shirt to cross his arms. 

"Uh yeah there's leaves in it and there's dirt all over your face dude." Dustin replies, making a gesture at his face, signaling to wipe the dirt off. "Really, Y/n? That's what you were laughing about?" Eddie raises an eyebrow at me. 

"Mhm." I nod with teary eyes from laughing too much. My humor may be a little broken but that shit was funny-

Robin, Nancy, Max, and... Lucas?? appear, crowding around the rock. 

"Wait a minute.." Dustin mumbles after conversing with Steve. "I was right! This is north!" He exclaims like he just won a nobel prize. "Come on dude, just admit you were wrong." Steve crosses his arms, unamused. 

"No no, seriously. What has to be nearby in order to screw with the compass?" Dustin raises his eyebrows and turns to Lucas and Nancy. "A strong magnetic force.." They say almost at the same time. 

"Which means..." Dustin gestures for them to continue. "You have a clue of what the fuck they're talking about?" I ask Eddie with a confused expression. "Not in the slightest." He sighs, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. 

I love how he does that. Like at random times he just swings an arm around me, I think it's adorable! It's also quite comforting, especially given the situation we're in. 

"There's a gate nearby..." Nancy mutters, staring at the ground. "Like a normal ass backyard gate??" I raise an eyebrow. "No you dumbass, like a gate to the upsidedown." Steve snaps.

"Well? Move it people, we're finding that gate!!" Dustin orders, running off into the forest. 


"Woah, watch your step, bud." Eddie shouts, stopping Dustin from falling into a lake. "So we're back at lover's lake... great." I say sarcastically, crossing my arms. "That just means there's more to explore!" Robin grins, trying to make the situation brighter. 

"At least we got a boat!" Eddie points at the rowboat that's laying on the sand. Him and Steve drag it over to where we're all standing. Nancy and Robin immediately get in. "I guess I'll go." I shrug, approaching the boat. 

"Here, lemme help ya." Eddie says while holding out his hand for me to take. "Thanks." I smile at him, taking his hand. I step into the slightly rocking boat very cautiously. I can feel Eddie's hand on my waist, making sure I don't fall.  I sit down in the middle, given that Robin and Nancy are in the front. 

Eddie sits down in the middle next to me. "Woah dude, you trying to sink us?? There's a four person limit!" Eddie snaps at Dustin, barring him access from the boat. "Oh come on! It's my idea!!" He shouts in protest. 

"You heard him." Nancy adds. "You're not in charge!" Dustin continues his arguement. We probably should let him in though, I mean he's right, it's his idea. At the same time though, it's better that us older people do this so we don't get charged with child endangerment-

"Yes she is." Robin shrugs, holding out her hand for Dustin's compass. "Says who?" He sneers. "Says me." Robin replies with a smug look. "This is bullshit." Dustin mutters before dropping the compass into Robin's hand.

"Alright, take off." Steve grunts while pushing the boat deeper into the water, he then jumps on. "Hey! You said the limit was FOUR people!!" Dustin shouts. "Sorry!" Steve yells back. 

"Bedtime at nine, kids!!" Robin grins while waving back at the kids.... who are flipping us off. Wow what nice children!

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