The Most Metal Concert In The History Of The World

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Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock!


Fuck this stupid clock! I'm getting out of here, there's no chickening out!

I continue to hoist myself up the rope, doing a summersault onto the mattress when I land. "You okay?" Eddie asks, holding out a hand to help me up. I take his hand, standing up. "I heard the clock again." I mutter, picking up my spear and shield. "Shit.. We can't risk it, here." Eddie sighs, handing me the walkman with the Love Gun tape in it, which he just pulled out of his pocket. 

I take the walkman and pocket it for now. We all walk out of the trailer to say our goodbyes before all hell breaks loose. Thunder and lightning booms in the background, making this all the more scary. 

"Hey, guys, listen." Steve says, stopping in his tracks to turn to us. "If things here start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort. Okay? Draw the attention of the bats,  keep 'em busy for a minute or two, we'll take care of Vecna." He orders as we nod our heads. 

"Don't try to be cute or be a hero or something. Okay? You guys are just-"

"Decoys." Dustin interrupts him, annoyed. "Don't worry, you can be the hero, Steve." He says, trying to assure Steve that we wont do anything stupid. "Absolutely. I mean, look at us. We are not heroes." Eddie laughs, trying to lighten the mood. 

"Yeah, we'll be fine. Just go do your hero work and we'll all be here safe and alive!" I add. Steve smiles at us and starts to walk away again. "Hey, Steve?' Eddie says, having Steve stop again, Nancy and Robin turning to face us as well. "Make him pay." 

"Will do." Steve replies before walking into the distance with Nancy and Robin until they're out of sight. 

"Alright, time to barracade up the fortress!" Eddie says enthusiastically before sighing. "Here, Dustin, can you start? I need to talk to Y/n for a second" He adds, gesturing to Dustin, who nods and goes to start working. 

"What's up?" I ask, knowing what this is about. Everything has happened so fast that we haven't had a chance to talk about what happened in the camper. "I hate that this is happening before we face death itself... but I just want to ask... maybe, after everything is over.." He pauses for a second, hesitating. 

"Would you like to come over for a movie sometime? I know, it's a bit of a longshot saying that we're still wanted but.. it's just a thought." He looks away nervously. "Yeah of course, I'd love to do that." I grin. I wish that it was better circumstances too, like there's a big chance we may die.. but this whole experience is what brought us closer together... in a way, I'm thankful for that. 


After nailing and drilling a shit ton of metal, wood, excetera, we've finally finished the fortress. "Not bad!" Dustin exclaims, putting his hands on his hips. "Fully bat proof." I grin proudly. "Now for the fun part." Eddie looks over to me, a wild smirk on his face. 

We all bust into his trailer, collecting everything we need for a deadly metal concert. Eddie runs into his room to grab his guitar. Dustin and I follow him in to see him staring in awe at it. "It's like she was destined for an alternate dimension.." He utters in complete shock to how cool it looks in this lighting. 

"Are you guys ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?" He asks, grinning with pride as he picks up the shiny red guitar. "That a rhetorical question?" Dustin asks. 

"Lets do it!" Eddie then slings the guitar over his shoulder by the guitar straps.


"She's in, initiate phase three." The walkie talkie buzzes, Robin's voice coming through as we're just connecting the amp for the electric guitar on the roof. "Copy that initiating phase three... Let's just hope they hear this." Dustin replies into the radio, putting it down, then connecting the last wire to the amp. He then nods for Eddie to start playing. 

"Chrissy, this is for you." Eddie mumbles before playing the first cord. My eyes light up, I know exactly what song this is! I remember.. in the shack, he said he'd play this for me sometime...

"Yeah, I've known it since the album release! Not to brag, but I recently learned how to play Master of Puppets." He says with a pleased expression."Eddie... Master of Puppets was released a little over two weeks ago... so you've had two weeks, maybe even a little less, to learn that...Do you realize that makes you a guitar god!?" I scoff in disbelief. No way he learned it that fast! "Well, I am the lead guitarist of my band..." He smirks, obviously loving the attention. You gotta prove it to me cause I don't believe you learned that whole thing In two weeks-" I blurt out in denial. "Fine, then I will! Just don't blame me when your jaw drops to the floor." He shrugs, hands up. 

I stare with my jaw dropped as he shreds the chords like an absolute rockstar! I watch as he headbands to the beat, his hair flying about. This is one hundred percent the hottest thing I've ever seen...

Wait... is that screeching I hear?? It's very faint, definitely far away.. but the plan worked!!

I can almost hear the lyrics, I sing along in my head, occasionally head banging along. 
End of passion play, crumbling away. I'm your source of self-destruction!! Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear. Feeding on your death's construction.

I watch in complete awe as he plays the chorus, a look of concentration on his face. I can tell he practiced this a hell of a lot! Come crawling faster!! Obey your master!! Your life burns faster! Obey your master, master!!

Eddie skips a chunk of the song, seeing that the demobats are getting closer. I can see them faintly, in the distance. Now it's at the part where he's all like. Master, master, where's the dreams that I've been after? Master, master, you promised only lies. It's right before the awesome guitar solo!

Oh shit... The shrieks of the bats are getting even closer! I can hear them almost clearly! There's a huge hoard of them coming straight for us! "Eddie!! We gotta lock down in T-minus thirty seconds!!" Dustin yells, grabbing Eddie's attention. He nods, heading straight for the guitar solo. 

"T-Minus twenty!!" I shout, signaling the numbers with my hands as the demobats draw nearer. Eddie has a look of determination on his face, shredding the guitar like his life depends on it! Which it does..

"T-Minus ten!!" Dustin screams, getting ready to run. Eddie strums the last part, finishing with style. "Holy shit that was awesome!!" I yell, quickly jumping off the trailer roof and sprinting to the door with Eddie and Dustin. We slam the door shut and barricade it with the couch. We grab our spears and sheilds and get in the center of the main room, our backs to each other. 

I flinch, hearing the bats bang against the walls, struggling to get in. It's okay.. there's no way to get in here, this place is as sturdy as Fort Knox! Wait.. did we cover the vents??

The banging and screeching makes a sudden stop. "Hey dipshits! Give up that easy??" Dustin yells, trying to egg on the demobats. Eddie shushes him, listening for sounds. "Is that really necessary??" He whispers. 

Suddenly there's a clattering in the walls. "The vents.. did we cover and seal the vents??!" I whisper-shout. Eddie frowns, an eerie look on his face. "Shit, shit, shit!!" Dustin swears, running over to one of the vents in the ceiling. "They can't get in there, can they..? He asks in horror. 

In a second's time, one of the demobats busts through the circular vent, it's ugly head peaking out. "AHH!!" I shout, stabbing it continuously with my spear. Dustin and Eddie join in with their spears when another one pops up. "DIE DIE DIE!!! AHH!!!" Dustin shrieks. 

The bats hiss viciously, squealing and what not. "WE NEED TO COVER IT!!!" I shout, looking around whilst stabbing at the vent. "MOVE!!" Eddie yells, taking his shield in hand. Dustin and I move out of the way before Eddie hits the shield against the ceiling, covering the vent completely. The nails stick into the roof, keeping it there. 

"Holy shit, holy shit!" Eddie pants, letting go of the shield after its secure. "Nice." Dustin says, out of breath. "Thanks." Eddie replies, giving us both a high-five. I bend over and drop my spear and shield, hands on my knees to take a breather. "Are there other vents??" I ask, hoping the answer is no. 

Love Gun- Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now