A Glowing Miracle

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"That brings us to the question you first raised." Dustin's nerdy voice echoes through the room. "Holy shit, he's not crazy after all." I laugh in astonishment.


"Dustin!!" Nancy calls out, pacing around the room. I can't remember the last time I've seen the Wheeler's kitchen so seeing it all upside down-ified is really freaky. Now everyone is running around the house calling for Henderson, who may not even hear us.. I mean, the chances are very low. 

"Dustin!!" I shout out, just trying to fit in. I almost choke on my words laughing when I see Eddie whip the tiny window curtain back like an FBI agent as if Dustin's gonna be hiding behind it. 

"All right, either this kid can't hear us or he's being a total douchebag." Steve huffs, shining his flashlight around. I'm not sure where he got that flashlight in the first place. "Will found a way." Nancy says as if a light bulb popped upon her head. 

"What?" Steve turns around to face her. "Will.. He found a way to speak to Joyce through the lights!!" Nancy practically jumps to start frantically clicking on and off every lamp in sight yet nothing happens. 

"Guys... you seein' this?" Steve asks, getting the brilliant idea to shine his flashlight at the ceiling lamp. To my surprise, the light starts shining... but not like any normal light. It's like an even flashier light, it's sparkling like the angel lights in the Highway to Heaven drama series!!

Along with the others, I get closer to it. I put my hand up to it, it's a warm and fuzzy feeling. It's almost as if it's stabbing me with tiny needles yet its a good type of pain. As we all reach up to feel the light, it starts shining brighter and brighter!

"It.... tickles?" Steve utters, absolutely dumbfounded by this shit. I am too, this one hundred percent beats any experiment from chemistry class. "It kinda feels good." Robin says, swishing her hand around in the glow. 

"Does anyone know morse code?" Nancy asks, looking around at all of us. I shake my head along with Steve and Robin. "No, sorry."

"Does SOS count?" Eddie puts his hand up in a gesture to start some morse code shit on the lights. Nancy nods and hurries him, practically yanking his hand back up to the lights. I watch as Eddie taps like he's casting a spell. Three short taps, three long taps, and then three short taps again. 


Okay so Dustin did end up seeing that! Apparently he, Lucas, and Erica set up some light shit in Nancy's bedroom so we're all crowded around her bed staring at nothing.

"OKAY, YOU GUY'S SEEING THIS??" Dustin's shouts echo. Steve shines his light at the bed and lo and behold, there's the sparkle stuff again! Nancy touches the light, signalling that we're here. "Holy shit!" Dustin exclaims, followed by his echoing laughter. 

If last year you came up to me and told me I'd be in a different universe, playing with sparkly glowing light magic, I'd tell you that you'd lost your mind... this is unreal. 

"UH- WE'RE NOT MOVING IT BUT WE'RE GONNA UNPLUG IT. STAND BY." Dustin yells, giving us a heads up. The light fizzes out for a second but it comes back, though a little less opaque. 

"Okay try it now!" 

"Um.. uhh.." Nancy mumbles, thinking of what to write. She ends up spelling HI in the glowy mist. "This is absolutely wicked.." I say in awe, watching the stuff grow brighter and brighter. 

"HI!!! THAT WORKED!!" Dustin responds enthusiastically. "Yes!!" I cheer along with the others as we all hug each other tightly. "Hi!" Eddie shouts sternly, as if he was an army general. "Okay um..." Nancy mutters, now spelling something else. It ends up saying STUCK.

"Uhhh- YOU CAN'T GET BACK THROUGH WATERGATE??:" Dustin questions, using the stupid yet clever name he made up for the gate in lover's lake. "The hell's water-gate??" Steve sneers. "Cause it's a gate and it's in water, water-gate." Robin has to elaborate. "Oh, that's cute." Eddie nods his head sarcastically and Nancy responds to the question by spelling out GUARDED in the golden sparks of light. 

"Oh uh.. Watergate's guarded!" Dustin calls out. "Yes, yes!" Steve shouts even though they can't hear us. "WE THINK WE HAVE A THEORY THAT CAN HELP WITH THAT!!!"

"Does anyone understand what he's talking about?" Nancy raises an eyebrow. "No Idea." Steve and Eddie say simultaneously. Even though I'm stuck on a lot of upside down crap, that seems pretty understandable. That means that there's a gate at Eddie's trailer too! Before I can speak, Nancy has already written a question mark on the light. 

"Really? You guys suck. That means that there's an opening back to the regular world at each place that Vecna did his little routine." I explain simply, crossing my arms. "So that means there's one back at my trailer?" Eddie questions. "Yep." I nod. 

"Okay seriously??! How many times do I have to be right on the money before you JUST TRUST ME?!!!" Dustin yells in response to Nancy's question mark. "Jesus Christ, this kid's gotta get his ego in check." Steve scoffs. "It's his tone, right?" Eddie adds in relation. "I know." Steve rolls his eyes. 

Wow I guess they both have experience with Dustin being a total ego maniac prick! "Okay so... how far is your trailer??" Nancy turns to Eddie. "Seven miles." Eddie and I say at the same time. Robin raises an eyebrow at me in suspicion. "Oh shut up, My place is right across from his." I roll my eyes at her. 

"Nancy, I know your house is weirdly, creepily, frozen in time and shit.. but haven't you always had bikes?" Robin asks, a brilliant idea popping into place.

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