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I can hear the sirens grow quieter... almost like they're passing by?? Holy shit that was close... "False alarm." Max says, signalling that we can get out. I lift up the tarp and get out of the boat, Eddie following.


It's a day later, around night, though I don't know what time it is. I'm just laying on the floor, staring at the old wooden ceiling. "Hey, Eddie? You have a watch on, right?" I ask, looking over to where Eddie's laying on the floor next to me. "Yep." He replies. "Well, do you know what time it is?" I ask again. I guess I have to be more specific.

"Yes, I do know the time." He says in response. I can see him smiling in the corner of my eye, he's obviously having fun with this. 
"Mother fucker can you just tell me what time it is?!" I put my hands over my face, dragging them down dramatically. 

"Mhm, I believe I have the ability to do so!" He states with a smug tone. I sit up faster than the flash, glaring at him. "Dude just tell me the fucking time!!" I cross my arms. "No 'please?" He sits up to face me, making a pouty face. 

"PLEASE, will you tell me the time?!!" I plead. What is so funny about this?? I just want the time dude!! "mmm- No." He smiles innocently, putting his hands behind his head, and laying back down. 

"You prick.." I mumble, crawling over to him, and glaring down at his smirking face. "What?" He questions like he's a perfect angel. I smile sarcastically before snatching the wrist where his watch is clasped around, and attempting to pull it up to my eye level. 

He sits up, watching me strain against his arm which is tensing up, making it harder for me to pull it towards me. "Just let me see the goddamn time!!" I grit my teeth, frustrated as hell. 

If this sly ass mother fucker doesn't tell me the time I swear on my dead grandmother...

I can almost read the time! It's uhh... 

As soon as my eyes focus on the tiny watch, Eddie starts to shake his arm violently. "Oh come on!" I let go of his arm and it nearly bonks him in the face. "I'll tell you the time, IF, you tell me your favorite song." Eddie smiles, making a hand gesture. 

"Really?" I raise an eyebrow. "Yep." He responds. "Hmm okay.. let me think..." I utter, trying to recall my favorite songs. I mean I know my favorite songs, I just don't know which one to pick!

"It's a mix between Seek and Destroy by Metallica, and Love Gun by KISS... But I guess I'll just go with Seek and Destroy." I shrug. "Ah, from the No Life 'Til Leather album, I know the whole song on guitar!" Eddie brags. "Wait really??" 

"Yeah, I've known it since the album release! Not to brag, but I recently learned how to play Master of Puppets." He says with pleased expression. 

"Eddie... Master of Puppets was released a little over two weeks ago... so you've had two weeks, maybe even a little less, to learn that...Do you realize that makes you a guitar god!?" I scoff in disbelief. No way he learned it that fast! "Well, I am the lead guitarist of my band..." He smirks, obviously loving the attention. 

"You gotta prove it to me cause I don't believe you learned that whole thing In two weeks-" I blurt out in denial. "Fine, then I will! Just don't blame me when your jaw drops to the floor." He shrugs, hands up. 

"Yeah whatever, can you tell me the time now??"


Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock!

All of a sudden I'm rudely awakened by a loud chime. I sit up, looking around the still darkened boat house. Eddie's next to me, snoozing off. Where is that ticking coming from?! I stand up, following the sound. It's from out of the shed.. 

I walk up to the door cautiously, looking through the cracks. There's nothing outside. 

I nearly jump when the clock noise chimes loudly again. What the fuck is that?? I'm not in the mood to get Freddy Krugered so I'm gonna stay inside.. but what the hell.

Should I wake Eddie up?? No, I wouldn't want to be rude... UNLIKE THIS DAMNED CLOCK!! But I really should... maybe it's an after effect of the marijuana?? No way, I didn't green out. "Psst- Eddie!" I whisper, lightly shaking Eddie's shoulder as I kneel down next to him. 

Dude could this clock shit shut the fuck up??! Jesus.

"Eddie, wake the fuck up!" I shake him more violently and he starts to stir. "Y/n?" He says in a groggy voice. "Do you hear that??" I ask him. "Hear what?" He questions, his head still turned away from me. His curled brown hair is messy and all over the place... and is that a twig in his hair?? 

Tick! Tok! Tik! Tok!

"The clock! Eddie.. the clock-" I grab his shoulder, turning him to face me..

But when I do, I nearly scream. 

I stare in horror at the terrifying sight in front of me. His eyes... they're gone, nothing but empty holes pooling with blood. And his face, it's starting to melt??!

I try to say something but the words don't come out. I freeze, all I can do is stare into those black abyss-like eyes. The blood starts dripping from every hole in his now distorted face. "Y/n.." He grumbles in a low and chokey tone. 

"S-Stop-" I gasp as he grabs my wrist violently. "Get off.. GET OFF!!!!" I scream, flailing my arms in a panicked manner as he gets hold of my other arm. "EDDIE!!" I shout at the bloody and disfigured corpse thing in front of me. 

"It's time..." He says in the same blood curdling voice. Then all of a sudden his bloody face melts into something much different.. much more terrifying. Vines grow upon his sillhouette, flesh and mucus build on his bones. 

"Y/n.." It speaks, gripping harder to my arms. "Y/n!!!" It gets louder. Even the clock is getting louder!! I can't move.. I can't speak.. I can't breathe. 


Love Gun- Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now