I Know Exactly What Those Stains Are

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"Nancy, I know your house is weirdly, creepily, frozen in time and shit.. but haven't you always had bikes?" Robin asks, a brilliant idea popping into place.


After peddling til my legs were nearly numb, we finally made it back to Eddie's trailer! I throw my bike on the ground next to the others and follow them to the door. "That has to be a Guinnes world record, most miles traveled interdimensionally." Robin pants after getting off her own bike. "I just inhaled a bunch of that crap, it's stuck in my throat." Steve says, having a total coughing fit. 

"Welcome in.." Eddie mutters, practically kicking open the door to his creepified trailer. The door closes behind us as we all walk in, just to be met with a glowing red haze. It's just like water-gate, only not underwater. It's like a spiderweb almost, covered in squirming vines. 

"Goddamn.." Steve mutters, shining his light at it. "Harrington I swear to god if you shine that flashlight on one more goddamn thing-" I start to rant sarcastically but am interrupted. "What?!! What's wrong with a little light?? You know what, here-" 

"Ah!" I wince and squint as Steve rudely shines that stupid ass flashlight right into my eyes! "Hey dude what the hell!" Steve shouts when Eddie slaps the light out of his hand and breaks it. "I agree, It was annoying." Nancy shrugs while Robin is laughing her ass off. "Oh you think this is sooo funny Robin, hey I-"

Steve shuts right up when something loudly stabs through the web like gate, scaring the shit out of all of us. I get directly under it and look up to see Dustin's smiling face along with Erica, Lucas, and Max. "Henderson!" I yell out excitedly, my face glowing up in glee. I have never been so happy to see that shit head's face!

Yet it's not direct.. It's like they're all standing on the ceiling, yet they're not. They're all standing on the floor of the trailer like we are. It's all flipped upside down but we're the ones upside down! What the fuck?? The math is not adding up!

"Hi there!!" Dustin waves enthusiastically. "Hi.." We all respond, amazed at the sight before us. "Holy shit, this is trippy!" Robin laughs in awe. 


In a moment's time, Lucas and Max are hauling Eddie's mattress into the main room, placing it as a cushion to fall on when we climb through the gate. I look up at the mattress and notice a series of... perculiar stains..

"Those stains are uh..." Eddie trails off, unknowing of what to say. I raise an eyebrow at him suspiciously. "I dunno what those stains are..." He leans in to me from the side, trying to seem nonchalant. "Wow that's so weird Eddie, I wonder how those got there!" I cross my arms, a fake look of surprise and shock wiped across my smug face. 

"Shut up-" Eddie mutters quietly to me, elbowing me in the side. I hold my now throbbing side from that rude hit and smirk back at him, who is now looking around the room as if nothing was said. 

"I'm not quite sure how these physics are gonna work.. but uh.. here goes nothing!" Dustin grunts, throwing up a rope made out of sheets into the gate. It reaches down to us and stops dead in the middle of the gate. So there's basically a huge rope leading from one universe to the other... Robin was right, this shit is trippy.

"And if my theory is correct..." Dustin mutters, slowly letting go of the rope, which stays still. "Huh, abracabra!" "Holy shit!" Max adds in. "Alright! Pull on it, see if it holds!" Dustin yells out to us. Robin does as told, pulling hard on the bunch of tied up white sheets. And just as Dustin predicted, it holds!

"This is the craziest shit I've ever seen in my life, and I've seen some crazy shit!" Erica laughs from the other side. "You and me both." I add with an amazed chuckle. "Guess I'm the guinea pig." Robin says, holding on tightly to the makeshift rope, and pulling herself up. 

I stare in awe as she makes her way through, and then totally flips over when she reaches the other side! She lands hard on the mattress, a big grin on her face. "That was fun!" I hear her say, out of breath. 

I look back to Steve, Nancy, and Eddie. I guess we're all looking around to see who's next. "Here, Y/n, you go." Eddie gestures to the rope. "Oh- okay." I shrug, getting a grip on the sheets. I grunt as I pull myself up miserably. I haven't had to climb a rope since gym class in freshman year.

I struggle but manage to pull myself through the slimy looking gate. In a split second, everything turns upside down and I can feel myself falling as my grip on the rope ceases to exist. "AHHHH!!!" I shout, landing really hard on my ass! Sure the mattress broke the fall, but that still hurt!

"Motherfucker, that was awesome!" I sigh in relief, jumping up from the mattress... I hope that bedsheet has been washed or else It's technically child abuse if we're landing and jumping on it... that was a bad joke..

I lean against the kitchen counter near the door, watching Eddie fall down out of the ceiling and onto the bed. He shoots up almost immediately. "That- ... was fun. Shit!" He says with a big grin on his face, taking my hand that I held out to help him up. "Welcome back from hell, Munson!" I laugh, relieved that we're finally out of that hell hole of a universe. 

"I've never been so happy to be in this trailer." Eddie sighs, leaning against the wall, and running his hands through his long and shagged hair. "It's taking an awful long amount of time for Nancy and Steve to get down here, don't you think?" I ask, eyeing Dustin who's nearest to the gate. "Hey guys??" He calls out, looking up at the hole in the ceiling. 

"Nancy!! Holy shit!!" I hear Steve yelling so I walk over and look up through the gate to see Nancy in a trance like state. "Fuck!" I swear, starting to frantically look around. "Music." Robin mumbles, going straight to Eddie's room. 

I follow her in, along with Max, Eddie, and Erica. The first thing I see is Robin digging around in some tapes, seeing that they're now scattered everywhere. "You're not gonna find anything Nancy would like!!" I say, pointing to all the metal band merch everywhere. 

Seriously, Eddie listens to stuff like Black Sabbath, Dio, Motley Crue, Metallica, W.A.S.P, KISS, etc!! He's not going to have any Tina Turner or Celine Dion type of shit!! "What the hell are you doing??!" Eddie yells, staring in horror at all of his precious music collection scattered around in a mess. 

"No but seriously what is all this shit?!!" Robin yells in a worried fit, trying to find something that Nancy would like. "Well- What are you even looking for??!" Eddie comes over to her, more music tapes in his hands that he just picked up. Meanwhile I'm just standing here watching this all pan out. I really am freaking out right now, just not in the screaming way. 

"Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles, music! We need music!!" Robin agitatedly shouts, totally distraught. "THIS IS MUSIC!!!" Eddie practically screams in her face shaking the tapes around like a lunatic. "Calm the fuck down!!" I yell, yet only making matters worse. 

"GUYS!! SHE'S BACK!!" Dustin calls out from the living room. "Holy shit!' I scramble out of the room to where Nancy is now climbing down the rope, along with Steve. 

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