Snap Crackle Pop

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Okay but when did Eddie get hot?? Like I kinda got butterflies when he swung his arm around me not gonna lie- 





Eddie yells, headbanging after every word of that sentence. "Shit!" I jump out of my chair, frustrated.  I just got into d&d but we gotta win against this Vecna dude or its all over man!! You know what, I'm actually considering joining Hellfire now!

"Erica, it's your turn..." Dustin says with an eerie tone, as if the matter of life or death is on Erica's shoulders.... which it kind of is. 

Erica looks down at the dice she's holding with determination. She takes her roll and everything seems to be in slow motion as it falls out of the air and onto the table.

"Come on, come on, come on....." I bite my lip in anticipation, gripping the chair in front of me hard. Eddie's eyes widen when the die hits the table for the last time. 

"IT'S A TWENTY!!!!" Dustin shouts in celebration. "HOLY SHIT!" I jump up and down excitedly before being pulled into a group hug with the rest of the team. Eddie bows and starts clapping. "Well done travelers!" He walks over to us all, arms wide open. 


"Hey uh, Y/n?" Eddie asks as we're walking out of the school. "Yeah?" I reply, looking into his dark brown eyes. "Do you maybe wanna hang out at my place for a bit? It's right across from yours so I could give you a ride." He gestures towards his van, which is parked behind me. 

"Sure, I'd love to hang out!" I smile but then mentally cringe at my wording. Would LOVE to hang out?? Ugh I sounded wayyyyy too eager, what the fuck man. 

"Great! Also Chrissy is tagging along by the way, just for a business deal though so it wont take long." He points towards Chrissy Cunningham who is walking this way??? I know what he means by business deal, I mean it's pretty obvious, but why would Chrissy Cunningham be doing a drug deal??! I guess anyone can do drugs but I didn't expect her of all people.

"Hey." Chrissy says shyly. "Right this way." Eddie smiles, opening the door to his van. 


"Welcome to my castle." Eddie sighs, swinging open the door to his trailer and letting us in. Chrissy follows quietly. I wonder what's up with her... I guess dating that douche Jason is pretty rough, maybe she needs something to help her deal with him... he is soooo annoying. 

"You live here alone?" Chrissy asks, her high ponytail bouncing as she speaks. "Nah, I live here with my uncle but he works night shifts at the plant." Eddie replies, digging around stuff on a shelf.

"Do you have it?" Chrissy asks, looking over to where Eddie's still shuffling through a bin of junk. "Uhhh- I do, it's probably just in my room." He mumbles, walking into his room. 

"So uh... how's life?" I ask Chrissy awkwardly, trying to make small talk in this uncomfortable silence. "Pretty shitty." She laughs nervously, fidgeting with the sleeves of her varsity sweater. "Same here." I reply light heartedly.

"My lips are sealed by the way, just in case you were worried about this." I say, looking over at her. She doesn't respond, she just stands there. 

I stay silent for a second but then glance over at her again, confused. What's up with her eyes?? Holy shit is she having a seizure?!

"Chrissy??" I get closer to her. Her eyes flutter non-stop and her body stays stiff. "Chrissy- Hey!" I tap her shoulder in an attempt to jolt her awake. 

Shit she is having a seizure or some sort of whack shit like that!! What the fuck do I do??! "Hey Eddie??" I shout out. "Alright.. peaceful bliss just moments away!" Eddie comes strolling in holding something but then stops dead in his tracks. 

"I think she's having a seizure! I- I don't know what happened!" I look at him with a worried expression. "Oh shit.. Hey! Chrissy- Helloo?!" Eddie starts frantically tapping her. "I'll call an ambulance!" I then run all over the place trying to find the phone. 

"Wake up, Chrissy!!!" 

"Dude where's your phone??" I yell out, still searching all around all the walls for a home phone. "Uh- I don't have one! It broke!" He shouts back. All of a sudden, the lights start flickering which just makes the situation even worse. "What the hell is going on?!!!" I run back over to where Eddie is, snapping and yelling at Chrissy's unresponsive face.

"Chrissy wake up!!! I DON'T LIKE THIS- CHRISSY WAKE UPPPPPP!!!!" Then he goes silent, backs away from Chrissy, and stands next to me. "Holy mother of fuck..." I look up horrified at Chrissy, who is now FLOATING IN THE FUCKING AIR!!!!


She just hovers in the air, motionless and then-


"AHHHH WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Eddie screams in panic. Chrissy's limbs start snapping and contorting in a horrific way!! "HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT!!!!" I cry out, falling into Eddie's arms when he grabs me, attempting to run, but instead trips over the floor and falls, taking me down with him.

Chrissy's jaw cracks in an unhumanly way. Her eyes suck into her sockets like something was pulling them, leaving two empty bloody holes. And then... she drops to the ground with a terrifying cluster of cracks. 

"WHAT THE FUCK- HOLY SHIT MOTHER OF BITCHES WHAT THE HELL-" I scream out a jumble of cuss words before being lifted up by Eddie and dragged out of the trailer. I get my footing and we sprint to his van. I jump in the passenger seat and he swerves out of the driveway and out of the trailer park. 

Love Gun- Eddie Munson x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt