[1] Bad Night

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I came home to see Glory busily making dinner in the kitchen with one hand while holding Clover, our three-year-old baby, with the other arm. Glory's hair was done in a messy bun and she had no makeup on.

She sent me a warm, tired smile when she made eye contact with me. I smiled back.

"Hey, Glory," I said, walking over and kissing her hello. "Hey, Clover." Clover held out her tiny hands in my direction as I took her out of Glory's arms. I kissed her on her cheek as she giggled, pushing me away. I chuckled, walking into the living room to see Python, our eight-year-old, looking for something to watch. Jade was waiting for Python to find something while Nightfall was lying down on his back, his phone hovering over his face.

"Oh, hey, Dad," Nightfall said, sitting up.

"Dad!" Python said, standing up and running over to hug me.

"Hey, buddy," I said, ruffling his black hair. Python grinned up at me, a tooth missing, before trotting back to his spot on the couch. "You still up to go to that baseball game on Saturday?"

"Definitely!" Python cried.

"Hi," Jade said, getting off of the couch to hug me. "Can you help me with my homework later? I'm not really understanding this algebra."

"Sure thing." I looked around. "Where's Ember?"

"In her room talking to her boyfriend, probably," Nightfall said. I walked forward and put Clover down in his lap, making him grumble. "Why me? Jade is right there," he huffed.

"And you're right here," I counteracted. "Watch her." I walked up the stairs and down the hallway to Ember's room.

"–was so nice, by the way. I love your style," Ember's voice said through the door. "D'you think you could give me some tips sometime?"

I quietly knocked on the door, making her talking stop.

"Hello?" she called through the door. I slowly twisted it open and poked my head in, grinning.

"Who are you talking to?" I asked. "Your boyfriend?"

Ember's eyes widened. "Dad, stop!" she cried as she quickly put herself on mute. "He's just my friend!"

"You flirt with your friends?" I asked skeptically, making her roll her eyes. Cosmo, Ember's black cat looked over his shoulder at me from his perch on Ember's bed before meowing tiredly and resting his head back on the sheets.

"Dad, we're just doing homework, okay?" Ember said waving her pages of homework in the air. "We're almost done, but we can't finish if we don't have privacy."

I raised my hands in defeat. "Fine, I'm going. But from the looks of it, dinner will be ready in a few minutes, so you might want to hurry up."

"Okay," Ember said in a tone that suggested she was waiting for me to leave.

"Okay," I replied calmly before grinning again and saying, "Tell your boyfriend I send him my condolences." I closed the door as Ember yelled, "Dad!" before making my way in the direction of my room.

There in the crib was our newborn, delivered into this world about three months ago. She was still slightly pink, but to our surprise, she was basically babbling words. More or less.

Her name is Lilly and she was wide awake when I went up to her and peeked over the crib. She seemed so peaceful.

She's really living the life.

"Hey," I cooed in a baby voice as I reached for Lilly. She babbled something as I held her up in the air, welcoming her. "How are you? Who put you to sleep? Now how are you supposed to sleep at night, hm?"

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