Chapter 6

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*Ella's POV*

Ugh my head hurts, they should warn you of the test's side effects at least. I groan and force myself to open my eyes. I sit up and rub my eyes, taking in my surroundings. Weird, I am still in the crib. Wouldn't they move me somewhere else once they knew my classification? I mean I could see why they thought I was a little at first but now they know what I am.

My thoughts are interrupted by the door opening, I look over to see the king and queen coming in. They smile at my and the king lowers the bars of the crib, picking me up. I stay quiet as he brings me through another door, and I soon realize it is their bedroom. He sits on the couch with me on his lap and the queen seated next to us.

The queen catches my eye, smiles, and says, "Good morning sleepy girl, how are you feeling?"

"My head kind of hurts, but other than that I feel good. Did you find out my classification?" I decide to get straight to the point. The royal couple looks at each other and then back at me.

"You are a little Estrella" the king says softly. I look at them both and start laughing.

"Okay, very funny, but seriously what is my classification?" as I finish, I notice the look on their faces is cautious and worried. Oh. My. Gumdrops. They aren't joking.

"You aren't joking..?"

"No kiddo, we aren't. Your age range is between 2 and 5. The doctor did say there were signs you could regress further in certain circumstances as well. For the most part though, you will be in that age range." The king tells me.

Well, this is unexpected. I mean, I knew I was submissive but a little? I've never shown signs of regressing. Mr. Benji is the only thing I have from my childhood, that's why I keep him. He was there from one foster home to the next and even when I left to be on my own.

My thoughts are interrupted when the queen speaks, "That isn't the only thing we wanted to talk to you about sweetheart."

"Oh okay, what else is there?" Great. They are probably going to kick me out now. Littles need so much attention, but I've gone this long without it. Maybe I can prove I don't need help and they'll let me stay?

"It is about you living here, we-"

"Please don't make me leave. I'll be good I promise and I won't cause trouble. I have gone this long without needing help so please don't make me go, I-please"

"Honey, slow down. We are not going to make you leave. Oh, sweet girl, we never want you to leave," the queen says. I am instantly confused.


The king shifts me, so I am facing both of them directly. They look nervous, why are they nervous?

"We want you to be our little Estrella. We want to adopt you into our family." The queen says anxiously. What the heck? They want me?

"Why do you want me?" I ask curiously.

"You are sweet, smart, adorable, and so much more darling. We think you will be the perfect fit for our family." They want me. I look up, but neither of them have any hint that they're joking in their eyes. They haven't broken my trust yet, they even let me sleep in the room next to theirs, so they didn't leave me like they promised. At least this will give me a nice place to stay until they decide they want me to leave.

"Okay," I say simply. They look shocked and excited.

"Okay? As in you will join our family?" The king says in disbelief.

"Yes. I want to be apart of your family," I say with a smile. Holy guacamole, I'm getting a real family! Maybe this time I can be good enough for them to keep me forever.

The Youngest RoyalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon