Chapter 10

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A/N Hey y'all, I want to give a huge shoutout to @Readercat89! They helped me with some ideas for not only this chapter, but chapters in the future. They are writing a book that is no joke my favorite on Wattpad. It is about two men (Richard and Kevin) who make it their goal to have Sarah as their little girl and submissive. I highly recommend you check it out!

*Thomas' POV*

When Ella called me daddy, I felt my heart swell with love. I grab her from my wife and stand up putting her on my shoulders.

"The princess orders you to stop, any attempts to further tickle her will result in punishment to the full extent of the law," I mock my wife hearing Ella giggle.

Freya rolls her eyes and smiles, "Alright you two, lets go get ready for the day."

We follow her up the stairs and into our bedroom. I set Ella down next to the bed while Freya disappears into the connecting room that will now be Ella's. When she re-enters the room, she's carrying a few outfits and a couple pullups.

"Alright little miss, lets get you all clean and dressed." Freya says. When Ella sees what she has in her hands she blushes.

"Um, I think I want to just stay in these clothes, and I don't need to get clean because I'm already clean. See?" she throws her arms out and spins to show us how clean she is.

I chuckle, "No getting out of this kiddo. Mommy is a stickler when it comes to hygiene, and she loves dressing her babies up in pretty clothes."

"But.. I don't wanna!" Freya starts whining and throws her little body on the couch. I look over at my wife amused and see her looking worried. My amusement fades and I go to grab her hand. She gives me a look and gestures to the hallways with her head.

"We will be right back sweet girl" she says gently. As we reach the hallway, I can feel the tension radiating off my wife.

"What is wrong Frey?"

"I think that something happened to Estrella in the past. There is always resistance to help before a little slips, but her reaction seems to be more out of fear than embarrassment. Maybe we should let her do it herself this time?"

"Honey, I think you are overthinking this. She isn't reacting much worse than Alex did, girls have a harder time adjusting to the lack of modesty because they are raised to be more 'proper' than boys. Also, you said yourself that she is too small to safely be alone in the bathroom."

"Thomas, she wasn't raised like most girls-"

"Yes, but she still picked up on society cues. Let's not freak out until we have to, I will go call and check on the kids while you help Ella. Maybe that will help her embarrassment a bit. She is going to have to get used to both of us though, I will not be an absent daddy with any of my children." I make sure my voice holds finality in it.

After a bit more conversation my wife reenters our room to help Ella get ready and I head to the kids' playroom to make a few phone calls. 

First, I get ahold of our contractor to see about installing a bathroom Ella's size. When she is little, she can use our bathroom. She will need our help anyways and having the bigger appliances will help us. When she's big though, she will need to have a bathroom her size so she can safely shower alone.

Next, I call Alex's phone to check on her and Ezra.

"Hi daddy!" I smile hearing her happy voice echo through the phone.

"Hey kiddo, how are things going with your friends?"

"Great! Do we have a baby sister now?"

I laugh a little, "Yes, but she is still very new, so you'll have to be nice extra nice to her okay?"

"Okay! Daddy, Ezra wants to ask you a question." I can hear her smirk through the phone and in the distance, I can hear Ezra's frustrated growl.

"You said you were going to ask this time... FINE give me the phone!"

"Hello?" his voice changes from mad to nervous. I know where this is going.

"Hey little man, how's it going?"

"Good. Um, daddy, I have a question..."

"I heard, what's your question bud?"

"Can... can Alex and I stay the night? Pretty please! We will be sooooo good!"

Yep, saw that coming. If they stay the night that will give Ella a little more time to adjust before adding siblings to the mix. Hmmm, I'll have to ask Freya, but this might be a good idea.

"I have to ask mommy, but I think that will be okay. Did their mommy and daddy say it was okay?"

"Yes! They said they are going to text you too!"

"Hmmm, okay well I will ask mommy and get ahold of their parents. If everyone is okay with it, then sure. I will text or call Alex when I know the answer okay?"

"Okay! Thank you so so so much!!"

"Of course, buddy. I love you guys. Talk to you later."

"Love you too daddy! Bye!" Just like that I hear the call end and I laugh to myself. 

Sure enough as I look at my texts there is one from Emmett and Julia's mommy asking if our kiddos could stay the night. I start heading upstairs and when I get to the bedroom, I see my tiny girl wrapped up in a towel that's way too big sitting on the bed.

"How are the other two doing?" My wife asks as she comes out of the bathroom. She starts laying Ella down and undoing her towel shushing her when she starts whining. I walk into the closet and pretend I am looking for something while she gets a pullup on her.

"They want to stay the night. Their mommy has said yes but I wanted to ask you first." I say from inside the closet. She doesn't respond right away, thinking it over, I'm sure.

"Yeah, that sounds fine. As long as they continue to behave." I shake my head and laugh walking back into the room. Ella is sitting on the bed in a pullup with wet hair while Frey is putting away the changing supplies.

"Alright little miss, lets get you in these clothes so we can do your hair." Freya says as she begins helping Ella into a dark pink romper with a flower pattern all over it and ruffles around the neckline and waist. It has hidden buttons at the inseam, making Ella blush when she buttons them up.

Freya picks her up and sets her on the counter in the bathroom, her feet in the sink facing the mirror.

"Any special requests for your hair?"

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