Chapter 9

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*Freya's POV*

I have no idea what this poor girl has gone through, but I need to look at our foster care system. If this is what is happening to kids, we need to stop it.

After a few minutes Ella calmed down and sat back on her heels. Thomas and I stay down with her instead of getting back on the swing.

"I'm sorry for crying and thinking you were bad guys," she says, but her voice has changed. It's higher pitched and has an innocence to the tone. I look at Thomas and smile, I think she is slipping.

As much as I want to run with this and help her fully slip, I need to get through the rules, so she knows.

"Baby, you have no reason to apologize. Thank you for being honest with us. If anything is ever bugging you, tell us. We will never get mad at you for telling us how you feel." Thomas tells her.

"Now, lets finish with those rules so we can talk about more fun stuff. How's that sound?" I tell her with a wink, and she giggles.

"So, when we say there's different rules it has to do with your headspace ages, not how much we love you. Alex is old enough that she doesn't need to wear protection to bed, but Ezra is a bit younger, so he wears pullups at night. Does that make sense?" I ask.

She nods and asks, "Is Ezra younger than me?"

"No kiddo, he is older than you are." Thomas replies.

She thinks for a minute and asks, "Does that mean I have to wear pullups to bed?"

"Well, yes and no. You are a lot younger so to start we want you to wear pullups during the day and a diaper at night." I tell her, trying to gauge her reaction.

"-I have to wear it all the time?" her tone is somewhat whiney.

"For the first little bit, yes love. We don't know how you are while in your headspace. If you get into your headspace and can show you don't need them, we can talk about changing it to only at night." She looks like she's about to argue but I continue before she can talk.

"That will also help you slip. You didn't know you're a little before, so I am assuming you haven't slipped before. We want to help you be comfortable with yourself, little and big."

Ella's expression changes from hesitation to thoughtfulness. I can see she is starting to trust us a little more.

"Okay, I want to try it your way. I haven't tried any of this, so I don't know what I like or don't like," she says sounding more like her big self.

"How about this, we will start to treat you like we plan to and if there is anything you don't like we will stop and readjust?" Thomas suggests. I nod, thinking that's a great plan and look at Ella.

"Okay, but if I don't like something you have to pinky promise you'll stop immediately," she holds out her pinky and I lock in my promise with my smallest finger after Thomas does.

"Alright you little monster, lets get you washed up and in some new clothes," I say while tickling her. She giggles and tries to get away.

"Daddy, help me!" She yells and he freezes. When I look at him, I see him smiling ear to ear and his eyes are glistening with happy tears. 

The Youngest RoyalWhere stories live. Discover now