Chapter 4

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A/N- This chapter isn't the best, but I wanted to get something out. As always, thank you for reading! :)

*Thomas' POV*

As soon as Ella fell asleep the doctors asked me to step away. I glared at them refusing to leave her side. She had me pinky promise that I'd stay by her side, and I don't plan on breaking my little girl's trust today. I know she hasn't said yes to us adopting her and we technically don't even know if she is a little, but it's pretty obvious that she is. I have a feeling she is going to have a young headspace, too. My wife and I talked while she was sleeping the first time and agreed we will ask her to be our little if that's the classification she gets, no matter what her age may be.

"Your Highness, you can stand over by the queen, but we need to have access to Ella in order to accurately run the test," the doctor states in a firm tone. I concede and stand by Freya, never taking my eye off our girl.

"Who has the kids?" I ask her quietly.

"They are with the kitchen staff making cupcakes, after that is finished, they were told to go to their rooms for quiet time. Ezra didn't sleep well last night so he will need a nap, I am hoping he will fall asleep," Freya responds in an equally hushed tone.

Knowing my other two are safe allows my mind to wander. What will it be like if Ella is a little and joins our family? Is she going to play with Ez and I or will she sit on the sidelines with Alex and Freya? I am pulled out of my daydreaming when the doctor announces he has her classification. Woah, I did not realize how much time had gone by.

"Estrella is a little, as you both had assumed. Her little age is anywhere between 2 and 5 years old. However, there are some indicators that any extreme negative emotions, such as fear or anxiety, could cause her to regress further."

I look at my wife smiling, "Now we just wait for her to wake up and we can ask her about considering us to adopt her!" I whisper excitedly. I see tears forming in her eyes and immediately get concerned.

"Freya, what's wrong honey?"

"Oh nothing, I am just so happy we were right. I hope she says yes!" she hugs me and gives me a quick peck on the lips.

"How long until she wakes up?" I direct my question towards the doctor.

"She will most likely be out for the rest of the night, sir. She is very small, even for a human so the sedative that's administered with the medication will take longer to work through her system." The doctor and nurses leave after answering a few other questions we had. My wife and I agreed that leaving her in this room would be the best move. She was familiar with it, and it was connected to our bedroom through a door so if she wakes it will be easier to get to her. After setting up the baby monitor, we head to get our other two little ones from their quiet/nap time. We plan to talk to them about their possible new sister at dinner tonight.

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