Chapter 5

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I am so sorry for the wait! I traveled to see my family for a few weeks and they live across the country. At the end of the trip I got covid so I was recovering from that, and then I got accepted into nursing school! I plan on setting up a schedule so I have a set day every week to update, but I have to get my school schedule figured out first. Thank you all for your support!

*Freya's POV*

I am sitting in the grass with Alex, watching Ezra and Thomas play in the field. The baby monitor is in my pocket, but I have a feeling Ella will be out cold until tomorrow morning. Tonight, we are going to tell the kids about their possible new sister, so they are prepared if she says yes. They both know of her and were quite curious throughout the whole car ride.

"Your Highness, dinner is ready" one of the kitchen staff says softly from behind me.

"Thank you, Annabelle, we will be right in" she nods and turns to go back inside. I stand up and tap Alex on the shoulder.

"Go wash up for dinner please darling" I say as I start heading towards my boys. "Alright you two, dinner is ready. Go wash up for dinner please, Ezra, daddy and I will meet you in the dining hall."

Ezra nods and runs inside, while Thomas and I start in at a slower pace.

"Are you nervous to tell them about Ella?" he asks me.

"No, Alex has been asking for a sister since we got Ezra, and he is just going to be thrilled that he's not the youngest anymore. I think they will both be excited." I respond.

As we enter the dining hall we hear bickering, but Thomas quickly shuts that down. We wait until dinner has been served and the staff has left before beginning our conversation.

"So, do you guys remember the little girl we brought home from the village?" I ask. They both look at me with curiosity and nod.

"Well, she is a little. She is between 2 and 5 years old, and we wanted to talk to you guys about how you would feel if we adopted her." They both are silent for a few moments looking between their daddy and me. I start getting nervous, but then they both leap up and start celebrating.


"She's SO cute, can I do her hair?!"

"She's going to be the baby now!"


Thomas starts laughing and holds his hand up.

"Calm down you two, she hasn't agreed yet. We wanted to make sure you were okay with it before we asked her. She's asleep right now, so we will ask her in the morning." He says as they sit back down.

I chime in "By the time you guys get back from your play day with Emmett and Julia we will know if she said yes or no."

"Oh mama, I am so excited!" Alex exclaims.

"Me too! I am excited too mommy!" Ezra says, having to copy his sister as always. He has always thought so highly of her, always wanting to be just like her.

"I know you are my loves, but you guys have a very busy day tomorrow so let's get upstairs. You both still need to shower and if we don't get those done soon daddy won't have time to read you a bedtime story." With that they finished their dinner, and we went up to start their bedtime routine. I can't help but imagine what it will be like to have a young little to put to bed. My other two are pretty independent with most of the nighttime things, but with a little one as young as Ella we will get to baby her more. I need her to say yes, she's already mine in my head.

The Youngest RoyalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang