Chapter 11

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A/N I am procrastinating doing schoolwork, ha! I am going to update as often as possible, but please be patient with me throughout the semester. Thank you all for your support! <3

*Ella's POV*

I have never been more embarrassed in my life. I can't remember the last time someone helped me put on my shoes, let alone bathe me. I can't tell if whining and throwing a bit of a fit has helped my case or not though? King Thomas and Queen Freya just went into the hallway, I'm pretty sure they're talking about me. Maybe they are talking about letting me do it alone, that would be great! If I can get away with this maybe I can get out of wearing the 'protection' they were talking about.

"Alright missy, time to get in the bath," Frey- oh I mean mommy, says as she walks back in the room.

"Where's uh where is..."

"Where's daddy at?" she finishes for me. I nod and blush looking down at my hands. "He is going to make a few phone calls."

"So, I can get ready by myself?" I ask hopefully.

She laughs lightly, "No darling, I am going to help you. Remember how big the toilet was compared to you? The bath is going to be even bigger. It's not safe for you to bathe alone."

"I told you no, I don't want help" I say stomping my foot. She raises her eyebrow and gives me a look that makes me visibly shrink. Uh oh.

"You said you would try things our way. Your age is young enough that you will need help while in your headspace and right now we are working to get you to slip. On top of that your safety is my number one priority. Please drop the attitude." Woah, she can be intimidating.

I walk with her to the bathroom and watch as she fills up a bath as big as a pool! Not really, but at least as big as a hot tub! She adds some stuff and puts a bucket on the side.

When she turns to me, she smiles softly and asks "Do you want to undress yourself or do you need help?"

I blush and shake my head, turning away from her to take my clothes off. When I am done, she lifts me and places my gently in the warm water. When I move the water shimmers and sparkles. It's pink water! Oh my goldfish this is so cool!

"You like the bath bomb?" I kick my legs to make it shimmer more and nod my head super fast.

"This is so cool! How did you turn it pink? What is a bath bomb? Can it turn other colors? Oh no! Is it okay for me to be in it? I don't want to have pink skin!" I just have so many thoughts running through my head! I feel that barrier fall again in my brain as I look up at mommy.

"It is completely safe for you to be in honey, it won't turn your skin pink." She explains when she hands me a toy boat. I grab it and hold it at arm's length examining it curiously.

"Do you know what that is?" she asks me.

"Uh, it's a boat?" I say, still confused as to why she gave it to me.

"Yes, it is. It's a toy boat, you play with it while you're in the bath." She says smiling.

I play with it? Hmmm, I can try, I guess. Bringing it down to the water and push it from side to side. What if there was a sea monster? Oooooo then the captain must save the whole ship. Her name will be Captain Madi!

I was so immersed in my boat game I didn't even realize that the queen had started washing until she handed me the washcloth and asked me if I wanted to do my princess parts by myself. I blushed hard again and washed myself. After she rinses my hair, she picks me up out of the tub and wraps me in a warm, fluffy towel that is HUGE! It's bigger than the blanket I had back at my box!

She carries me out of the bathroom and sets me on the bed. I can't believe how big everything is here. I guess it makes sense considering almost everyone here isn't human and those who are human have their own wing where the furniture is smaller. I never had foster parents who were supernatural of any kind. That's why they hated me the supernatural kids got more funding from the government. Human children are just a burden.

"I am going to clean the bathroom. Do not try to move or get down, you could seriously hurt yourself, okay?" mommy says putting her finger under my chin, so I am forced to keep eye contact.

"I won't move, I promise mommy," her eyes light up and she smiles, hugging me before going into the bathroom.

Soon after daddy walks in, I wave at him, and he smiles back at me. Mommy walks out and starts undoing my towel while talking to daddy. I start to complain and squirm but she just lightly pushes me, so I am laying on my back and shushes me. How rude!

Thankfully, daddy walks into the closet, so he won't see me princess parts. Mommy puts me in a pullup, eliciting a fresh round of pouts and complaints from me. She ignores my protests and finishes dressing me.

Then she brings me in the bathroom and sits me in the sink so I can see myself in the mirror.

"Any special requests for your hair?" She asks me. I look at her confused. What does she mean? I am pretty sure my hair can only go in a pony or stay down.

"Do you want a braid or something like that?" She rephrases her question.

"Uh, I don't know. Can you pick for me mommy?" She smiles and nods going to work on my hair. Her and daddy continue talking about the other kids and some sleepover. I don't know what that means but apparently, they won't be back until tomorrow morning. Mommy shows me my hair. It is woven into a weird pattern, but it looks so pretty!

"That is a French braid baby" mommy tells me. Wow, I love French braids! Mommy picks me up and hands me to daddy.

He tickles my tummy, "You look so pretty bug," he whispers in my ear.

"Thank you, daddy" I giggle. He walks into the adjoining room in which I slept the night before, setting my down next to a table small enough for me. There's coloring books and crayons everywhere!

"Why don't you color for a bit while mommy and I talk, yeah?" He says while mommy sits down. I pout not wanting them to leave, but before I say anything mommy interjects.

"We aren't leaving honey; we will stay sitting right here, okay?" Oh good, I don't like being alone. I start coloring while they talk and am about halfway through my horse picture when I feel the need to pee. I can finish this picture before I go though, it'll be fine.

I squirm a little and daddy asks me if I need to go potty. I don't want to lose my focus, so I tell him no and they go back to talking. When I finish, I realize how bad I need to go.

"Mommy?" I ask.

"Give me a second honey," she says. Oh grapes, I am not going to make it.

"Mommy, please!" my voice begins to sound desperate. They both look at me shocked

"Ella do not yell at your mommy. She is talking so not only did you yell but you interrupted too. Can you say sorry?" Daddy scolds me.

"I-I'm sorry mommy, but I have to go potty really bad!" I am losing the battle with my bladder.

Daddy shoots out of his chair and picks me up rushing to the bathroom. He almost makes it when I lose and have an accident. I start crying and hear mommy walk in. 

The Youngest RoyalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora